
Baby list needed? please help..?

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what are all the things you need for a baby? i most of the things but help me out here.




  1. thats a huge list...

    make sure to get the necessary items like baby shampoo, powder, diaper rash cream, bottles, baby lotion, formula if you are not breast feeding, high chair, stroller, swing, crib, blankets, clothes, maybe a changing table, things like that.

  2. The list everyone gives out is huge...go with your insticts of what you need. Even first moms have it!

  3. go to babies r us or they have checklists to guide you and you can decide what you think you'll need. that list is way to long for me to tell you

  4. ive got 3 boys we also stocked up on diapers all sizes new born ones and twos you need a crib,baby bed,clothing if you know the s*x of the baby if not get some that looks to be either or boy or girl,formula,bottles,blankets,bibs,pacif... for babies,monitor and camera and film good luck and enjoy the baby they sure grow fast i hoped this helped you out

  5. Well.... Here goes!


    Shampoo, wash, and lotion - I use Johnson & Johnson on my daughter - it's the only brand I trust.


    "Medicine Cabinet":

    Infants Concentrated Tylenol

    Mylicon - for gas

    Thermometer - I keep an ear and rectal one on hand.

    Vaseline - I use it where the diaper rubs up against my daughters legs - this way she's safe from chaffing. Although, vaseline has many uses.

    Rubbing Alcohol - to keep the umbilical cord clean until it falls off.

    Baby oil - I use the gel oil (to keep dry skin moisturized)

    Baby Q-Tips

    Diaper Rash Cream - I use Triple Paste/Cream for a bad rash, but Desitin regularly to prevent rash

    Nail Clippers - I used an Emory board when my daughter was a newborn, I was always afraid of "getting her".

    Towels and Washcloths

    Nasal Aspirator - To suck the boogies. =]


    Before baby comes, make sure you have plenty to last for a little while, because you are not going to want to go to the store because you ran out! Trust me!

    I got 3-4 packs of newborn

    2 packs of size one

    and 1 pack of size 2

    Baby's grow in and out of sizing so quickly, you don't want to be caught with out the next size up because the previous one doesn't fit anymore!


    One piece pajamas (6-8)

    Onesies (bodysuits) (6-8)  

    Socks (6-8 pairs)

    Hats (2-3)

    Cute outfits for “visiting”

    5-6 recieving blankets - Babies love to be swaddled, but be careful not to buy too many blankets, alot of babies grow out of wanting to be swaddled and most grow right out of them. I went to Wal-Mart and bought some cloth and just sowed the edges so they wouldn't fray, and now they are used as sleeping with, or laying/playing on, and lots of other things too!

    1-2 Hats - The type of hat all depends on what season it is.





    Changing Table



    4-5 Bottles

    Formula - or Breast Pump

    Pacifier - If you choose

  6. Right off the bat, you need:

    -a place for baby to sleep

    -something for baby to eat (if breastfeeding it's good to have formula/bottles/nipples just in case)

    -burp clothes



    -comfy outfits


    That's the immediate won't need toys, fancy outfits, swings/seats, even a bathtub for a bit so you can get those later.

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