
Baby losing hair? Is it normal?

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My six month old daughter has lost pretty much all of her hair (she was born with a lot!). Did any of your kids lose their hair? Like more than just the spot in the back?




  1. my poor baby has done the same thing, she was born with a ton, and now its all gone ;(, everyone keeps telling me it will grow back though. hopefully it will, i wanna be able to put her hair up in bows and pig tails.....

  2. Oh yes, it's normal.  My daughter had a head full of black hair when she was born.  By the time she was 7 months she was bald.  It did grow back again though!

  3. It is normal to lose hair in a baby. When they get older they rid the baby hair and start growing regular hair. (sounds crazy but that is how the dr explained it to  me).

  4. It is completely normal! It will eventually come back!

  5. yup i have alittle bro the baby will be fine.

  6. Both of my nieces lost all their hair at about the same age and they also had a lot of hair at birth, it is absolutely normal, it did grow take a while to grow back but now they have a beautiful head of hair.

  7. yup...most babies will lose the soft baby fuzz they are born with. It will be replaced with a different type of hair.  

  8. Yes, totally normal. Nothing to worry about. It's from rubbing their head around while sleeping. What you can do is purchase a satin pillow case and put it under her head while she's sleeping, but make sure it's secure so it doesn't get moved around. My daughter was born with a head full of hair too and this happened around when she was about 3-4 months old.

  9. Its normal my 5 month old cousin is losing all her hair too

  10. Totally normal, AJ!  The hair they're born with usually does rub off, especially in spots they lay on a lot.  It'll grow back!  In the meantime, enjoy kissing that sweet little head!  :)

  11. OH YES.  MY daugther was born with brown hair then went completely bald and is now just starting to grow a little bit of hair and it's bright blonde.

  12. Hi AJ, I posted the exact same question about 5 weeks ago.  My little guy lost all his hair on top only, the back n sides were long just as he was born.  I thought that it may have been caused by something I put on this head.  I didn't have anything like this with the other two kids.  But now it is starting to grow back, very slowly it seems.  Its quite funny to see him without hair on top as he looks like an old man going bold;-)  but not to worry, ur daughters hair too will grow back.  I did a bit of research and all the sites I came accross said the same thing.   That it is quite normal.   Cheers n all the best.

  13. yes all babies lose the hair they were born with  

  14. Perfectly normal...the baby stuff always falls out.

  15. baby hair has very week roots ... it is not unusal for all the hair of heavy haired kids to all or near all to fall out...

    my soon had/has alot of hair till his aunt washed his hair and rubed on it for a bit of cradle cap... he lost all in frount...

    so no worrys.. it will grow back...  and maybe a diffrent color/type (stright when baby hair was curly)

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