
Baby mama drama!!!!?

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What can you do when she just don't get it? Hello here is what is going on I have a wonderful husband who has tried his best when it comes to his baby mama. He pays his child support on time every week and all he asked was to see his daughter and it got to the point that he had to take her to court for visitation just to see her. He got the visitation order and he is suppose to get her every weekend, but she just recently moved her to a whole new state and not only wants him to pay his child support but has been asking for extra money and when he tells her he don't have it she calls him a dead beat. Is he wrong to tell her no?




  1. You just have to love the expression "baby mama."


  2. He's not wrong for saying 'No' to additional requests for money, since he has been faithfully meeting his obligations.  In addition, it's going to cost him additional money, in traveling expenses just to visit his child.  

    Obviously the mother is hurt about the situation, and is doing everything in her might to cause confusion.  

    As a wife, I would continue to stay positive (don't be a transformer) and don't fuel the fire.  However, continue to P.U.S.H.  It works!

  3. Well, I'm assuming that he has been set an amount by the court to pay to her each month. So I would say yes, it is alright to say no. Because the judge (if this is how it was done and it seems that way) would set an amount of what he or she felt was due to take care of the child.

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