
Baby measuring small..happen to any one?

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Went to the drs at 30 weeks and he said he got the same measurement he did 2 weeks before so I have to at 31 weeks and get measured again and if i still havent grown then I have to get an ultra sound. He told me not to worry but i oviously am.

any one have this happen?




  1. I was also measuring small.  Last week they did an ultrasound, and it showed the baby was 37 weeks instead of 36w3d, based on the size of the head.  The baby was healthy and weighing about 6lb 8oz already!  Don't worry if you have to get an ultra sound.  You'll definitely feel better to see that your baby is healthy and growing.  

  2. Oh honey....don't worry until they know for sure you have something to worry about.  Maybe your body is burning more calories.  The baby may still be growing just fine, maybe you haven't grown any.  I am pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl.  My little boy has had no trouble with weight.  But my little girl, every other time she is measured she is about a pound behind him.  They always tell me the same thing, "They are both still in normal ranges.  So we are not greatly worried right now, but she does need to catch up and we will be monitoring everything very closely."  Then when I go back the next time for an ultrasound they are right about the same size.  I had nightmares about her being so tiny and him being huge.  LoL.  I would let them do an ultrasound before I got too stressed out over it.  You might also increase the amount of fluids you take in and try to eat more....still healthy but a little more.  And pray.  I'll say a little prayer for you too.  Best of luck.

  3. My baby started measuring a little small around the same time. She was 6# 7oz. 181/2in at birth. I'm small. I had a vaginal birth and was glad she wasn't any bigger.

  4. Hi! I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was pregnant with my son. He started measuring small at 30 weeks and they did ultrasounds at 30 weeks and 34 weeks just to be safe. Turned out he was just a little small, as I'm very tiny myself. He ended up weighing 5lbs. 15 oz. full term, so everything turned out fine!

    REALLY, don't worry! It's just standard protocol to measure babies who are in the 25% or less, weight and height wise. You probably just have a small baby, which will help you out in labor and delivery. Congratulations and Good Luck!!

  5. Don't worry about it. Im 37 weeks and Im measuring 34. Shes about 5 pounds, but I think she'll be ok. They are gunna let me carry till full term tho. Dont worry just keep informed by your doctor.  

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