
Baby mentality... Do you think a baby thinks ?

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I'm doing this project on baby mentality and i would like to ask every1 . do you think a baby is capable of thinking ? reasoning ?? If so what do you think he is thinking about ??? Or re his reactions just an instinct till he develops a fully grown brain ??




  1. Absolutely. Our baby was thinking from birth. Her first reasoning was to discern when we were having an argument and she would side with one of us.

  2. Yes I think  a baby can think, what about? IDK.

  3. If they can respond to noises, recognise faces and understand basic body language i.e smiling and laughing or crying then of course they can think!

    i have included a link to many studies conducted in this area

  4. The baby's IQ is usually 8 so they will think about color's what's pretty what's moving what's scary and what's fun and what they want.

  5. i don't know for sure, but i DON'T think that they think. it's because their brains are mature yet, unless they have a highly developed brain.

  6. I do not think that babies have the ability to really reason.  If they do, it is something that is extremely undeveloped.  I do think that they think.  just not in words.  Just the same way that animals think.  Human babies just have the capability to progress further than babies do.  Just think..  they can remember faces, voices, and places.  That indicates, to me, that they can think even if it is not very advanced.

  7. yes babies do reason,

    they use tools,

    they reason,


    I touch the stove,

    I get burned,

    I don't do it again,

  8. Babies are deffinatly capable of thinking, it's just not like how we think.  Their thought are limited to feelings like good, bad, funny, hungry, thirsty, tired, bored, and things like that.  

    They won't be able to reason until they learn a language and have some experience with life aka. grow up a bit.

  9. Yes i believe they are thinking and reasoning.  My daughter will hear me say no, go back later, sick next to the cat toy i told her not to pick up and watch what i do as she reaches around and grabs it without looking it.  She does things like that all the time.  

  10. HOW do you think a baby's brain develops? Of course they have thoughts and reasoning. Have you ever seen two babies together? They figure out how to communicate and interrelate. How do you think babies learn language? They form word thoughts based on realizing language and they realize their own existence apart from their parents.  

  11. all babies do is eat sleep and p**p so they have to be thinking about it when they do it dont you think?  

  12. I think that babies can make conections between different things.  My daughter is 10 months old now and when she hears someone say the word "nappy" she always says "poo-poo" so she has obviously made the conection that poo goes in a nappy!  Bit of a yucky example but there you are!

  13. they think but not in words but in concepts and feelings. they process things not through language or vocabulary yet but through how it makes them feel.

  14. I think babys can think to a degree

    My sister had a baby almost a year ago and I remember when she was only a couple months old she would respond completely differently to different people and even to words, tones, and facial expressions. ANd i don't really know... I just always had the feeling that she knew what was going on around her.

    Ohh and this may be completely random and all but once I was really mad at my boyfriend and when I was changing her I said it was okay to pee on him and since then, when we're over, she ONLY pees when he's holding her and always with enough force/volume to wet the bottom of the diaper, or if it's not on right leak out the edges...

    haha just a random thing -- haha i think I'm gonna like her ;)

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