
Baby milk whilst on holiday in mexico?

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We are taking our 6mth old daughter to mexico and are not sure about the regulations on taking liquid baby milk on the flight or whether we can buy the same in Walmart in cancun.

Any advice would be great!!!




  1. I'm sure you can buy pre-mixed baby formula at big super markets such as Gigante. I personally would not trust Wal-Mart with their reputation for poor quality control. When you consider what they sell in the states I can only imagine what they are probably selling in Mexico.

  2. take cartons of milk that are ready made with you - they don't need refrigerated and you wont have to worry about using the water.

    You can take babymilk on the flight - (who would want to be on a flight with a starving crying child!!)  Airport security will probably ask you to take a drink from the bottle to prove that it is only baby milk

    Take calpol with you too just in case your baby becomes unwell.

    have a great holiday

  3. If you can find exactly the same trade mark I am not sure about that, here in the UK I do not fid many of the trademarks I like, about if Gigante and Wall Mart are better, forget it they are the same they sale the same the difference is the number of products available, wal-mart is bigger, I would see as a problem that some babies reject the change of formula, they do not accept it so easily, thier bodies get used to something and when you change it sometimes they can get sick.

    So I think you should get your milk with you, about the airport check the regulations for hand luggage, for the check in luggage it is ok, you can take as much as you want.

    Mexico is not as bad as the world thinks, and trade-marks are sold globally, Unilever, McCormick, Hientz etc etc dominate the market. They sale almost the same everywhere.

  4. You can take powdered formula and use bottled water to mix it...bottled water is provided for all uses.  Or you can buy many well-known brands of formula at walmart..just like at any other walmart.   Cans of powdered formua at walmart are the same as in the states or anywhere else, tho not all brands may be avail. If your baby is on an unusual brand, bring it.

  5. take ready made in your suit case you are ok to do that and take some in handbag if you do get told to get rid of this you can always buy some more when you are past passport in the shops in airport

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