
Baby name help! Olivia Jade or Jadeyn Brin?

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Will all of your help I think we have FINALLY narrowed down the last few names off of our list. My daughter now has a trendy-er name (Kendal Rae) and am torn between Olivia...which has always been one of my favorites, but is now super popular, or Jadeyn, which is trendy, and would "match" my daughters name better. I am do in a few months and really need your help, I am driving my husband bannanas! Is it okay if my daughters have one trendy name and one traditional? Which name do you think is prettier! Thanks for all your help in advance!!




  1. Olivia Jade is BEAUTIFUL! name her that - i dont think it matters that one is trendy and one isnt.

    Jadeyn Brin doesnt sound good at all .

    i think Jadeyn Olivia sounds better.

    but i really love Olivia Jade.  

  2. Jadeyn Brin is beautiful so i have to go with that... they're bout good names though

  3. i think that you should name her Jaydeyn Olivia...that way you get both of them are great names and they flow you can do both and they would both be cute!!!!

  4. I love Olivia Jade! Jadeyn is too unisex for my taste, while Olivia is so sweet, and pretty!

  5. olivia jade is very cute!  

  6. jadeyn brinn...but i liek the spelling jaydynn

  7. Olivia Jade. I am over my top with Jadeyn, it's every other kid's name boy and girl!

    I gave my kids one trendy name and one traditional/older name.

  8. Olivia Jade is a gorgeous name. Its a little more common that Jayeyn Brin but it flows and is absolutely beautiful. However this is your daughter! Chose the one that YOU love! You wont make a mistake I promise you.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  9. It is perfectly fine to name your child w/ a tradtional-trendy name!  I like Olivia a lot; but then I also like Jadeyn as the middle name...not thrilled a bit with Brin though.  I know:  I just made matters more confusing!!! lol

    Congrats and good luck!

  10. Definately Olivia Jade.  I agree with Cat's answer.

  11. I think Jadeyn Brin is really cute! Congrats on the baby!

  12. I love Olivia Jade, it's a beautiful name! I think it's fine if each of your daughters has a different style name. After all each of them will have very different personalities. Good luck!

  13. Have you considered Olivia Jayden or Jadeyn Olivia?

    To me Jadeyn Brin sounds very masculine compared to Olivia Jade.

    Because you like both the names "Olivia" and "Jadeyn" why not try to combine the two and see which one flows better with your surname.

    Both names will "match" with your daughter Kendal, you just need to decide which you would rather your new child to have as her name.  She won't be at her sisters side all the time for comparison so that doesn't matter all that much to your daughters does it?

  14. Olivia Jade is a beautiful name and it's okay for the girl's names to be different, gives them even more a sense of individuality.

    Jadeyn would have to constantly correct people on the spelling (which trust me is a pain that never seems to end). Also Jadeyn would have to deal with having a unisex name while her sister got a nice feminine name.

    You could use a more feminine variation of Jadeyn like with Jada or Jade.

  15. Jadeyn Brin sounds very pretty lol

    It would fit perfectly

  16. Olivia Jade  

  17. I think Olivia Jade is really cute, Olivia Jadeyn would be cute too - a little bit traditional and modern at the same time

  18. Jadeyn Brin  

    Much better and more unique. Olivia is too popular.


  19. Name her Olivia Jade. If you chose Jadeyn she will spend her whole life having to spell if for people or saying "I'm a girl...yes, I know it sounds like a boys name".

  20. olivia jade hands down

  21. how about... Olivia Jadeyn?????? mixnmatch!

  22. i like Jadeyn Brin.

    sounds pretty =]

  23. i would go with olivia jade! even if its popular its still a beautiful name and jade really goes well with it!! i love the name!!

  24. Olivia Jade!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even though Olivia is a popular name now, it has done a pretty good job at staying "classy", and I think your children's names don't need to match.

    They aren't the same people, lol

    why should they have similar names?

    Olivia Jade is gorgeous.



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