
Baby names and Last Names of sextuplets?

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Does anyone know all of the sextuplets born /unborn use yahoo answers or not?

All I know is the gosselins and they are 4

Are there anyothers that are younger or not even born?




  1. There are two other sets I see featured on TV sometimes, but they are 6 and 12 I believe.


    go to wikipedia under multiple births if this link doesnt work

  3. Leah






    the oldest sextuplets are in their 30s and live in south africa

  4. Don't forget the McCaughey septuplets.

  5. yes the dilleys

    and the masches thats all i know

  6. You mean from Jon and Kate plus 8? I was just watching that!!

    Their names are (not in order):






    and I can't remember the last sextuplet.  The Gosselins do not have any other kids besides the older twins (mady and cara) and the setuplets.

  7. Sextuplets (6)

    A set of sextuplets were born on October 2, 1968 in Birmingham, England to Barry and Sheila Thorns. They were the first sextuplets known to have been born alive in the United Kingdom, but one baby died shortly after birth, and two within the next two weeks.[60][61][62][63]

    The Rosenkowitz sextuplets (born on January 11, 1974 in Cape Town, South Africa) were the first sextuplets known to survive their infancy.[64]

    The Giannini sextuplets (born on January 11, 1980 in Italy) were the second sextuplets known to survive their infancy.[65]

    The Walton sextuplets (born on November 18, 1983 in Liverpool) were the first sextuplets born in the United Kingdom known to survive their infancy, and the world's first all-female sextuplets.[66]

    The Dilley sextuplets (born on May 25, 1993) were the first surviving set of sextuplets in the United States.[67]

    The Boniello sextuplets (born March 24, 1997 in Stony Brook, New York) set a record for the longest gestation of a sextuplet pregnancy in the United States at 29 weeks and one day.[68]

    The Headrick sextuplets born April 6, 2002 in Wichita, Kansas, were the first set of sextuplets born in Kansas. The births increased the population of the Headrick's hometown of Rago, Kansas, from 12 to 18. [69]

    The Harris sextuplets, born on July 7, 2002, are Kiera Christine, Kalynne Antoinett, Kaleb Reddrick, Kobe Byshari, Kieran Anthony and Kyle Jacob. They are Alabama's first set of sextuplets, and were the first recorded set of surviving African-American sextuplets.[70]

    The Hanselman sextuplets (born February 26, 2004 in Akron, Ohio) are the first sextuplets to have been born in Ohio.[71]

    The Gosselin sextuplets (born May 10, 2004 in Hershey, Pennsylvania) were born at 30 weeks gestation to parents Jon and Kate Gosselin. The set has three girls (Alexis Faith, Hannah Joy, and Leah Hope) and three boys (Aaden Jonathan, Collin Thomas, Joel Kevin). The parents also have twin girls, Madelyn Kate and Cara Nicole, who were 3 at the time of their birth. [72][73] See Jon & Kate Plus 8.

    The Hayes sextuplets (born September 14, 2004 in Long Branch, New Jersey) are the first surviving sextuplets to be born in New Jersey. The six children - three boys (Ryan Peter, Connor James, Eric John)and three girls (Tara Rose, Rachel Ann, Rebecca Mary) - weighed a total of 24 pounds and 14 ounces, a world record for the heaviest set of sextuplets. The Hayes' also have two sets of twins, Kevin and Kyle, 8 years old and Kieran and Meghan, 5 years old at the time of their brothers and sisters birth. They are the only family in the United States to have two sets of twins and a set of sextuplets.[74]

    Canada's first sextuplets (born January 6 and 7, 2007 in Vancouver, British Columbia) were born at 25 weeks gestation. As of January 23, 2007, four of the six babies survive.[75][76]

    The Morrison sextuplets (born June 10, 2007 in Minneapolis, Minnesota) were born to Ryan and Brianna Morrison. They were born at 22 weeks and 6 days or at 23 weeks and 3 days (original due date October 4th or 8th) gestation and weighed between 11 ounces and 1 pound 3 ounces. As of July 23, 2007, five have died (Tryg, Bennet, Cadence, Lincoln, and Lucia). Only one survives (Sylas).[77][78][79]

    The Masche sextuplets (born June 10, 2007 in Phoenix, Arizona) were born to Bryan and Jenny Masche 10 hours after the Morrison sextuplets. Bailey, Savannah, Molli, Cole, Blake and Grant were born at 30 weeks gestation.[80]

    The Byler sextuplets (born September 1, 2007 in St. Petersburg, Florida) are Florida's first sextuplets. Conceived with the aid of fertility drugs, there are five boys and one girl: Brady, Eli, Ryan, Jackson, Charlie, and MacKenzie. [81]  

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