
Baby names for twins?

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I am pregnant with identical twins. I don't know if I am having 2 boys or 2 girls yet. I am picking out names, and would like some opinions please. Our family name is Brédeaux (say Bray-doe). I had asked;_ylt=AgwcTujjEnx0IkWFXWTHIVGAQBV.;_ylv=3?qid=20080822153631AA7G3ur earlier, and have come up with

For 2 girls:

Addelynn Violet Brédeaux- Not negotiable.Lynn was my fiance's mom's name, Violet is my grandmother

Keri lee (middle name, help please?) Brédeaux

For 2 boys

Colby Arnold Brédeaux - Again, Arnold is very important to me, but I would consider a different first name

Elliot James Brédeaux

Also, my name is Victoria, my fiancé's name is Nathaniel. We are also raising a beautiful 11 year old, Emily Elizabeth.

What do you think?





  1. The name Addelynn Violet Brédeaux is absolutely beautiful. Go with that.

    And Elliot is one of my utmost favorite names, so definitely Elliot James. You're lucky you've got a beautiful last name, too. Congratulations on the babies!

    Kerilee I'm not so sure about, but it's pretty. And Colby just sounds too trendy.

  2. If its a girl name it Renetta Marie

    Or Emma Renee

    For A boy


    or Charlie

    Or andrew!

  3. what about Keri lee Victoria

    or Keri lee Jade

    or keri lee Maddison

    lots of middle names go with keri lee

    Colby is cute

    elliot is cute

  4. for the girls first names anndelynn and ammah woulb be cute. and for the boys colby and brody would be cute.

  5. Congrats on your twins!

    Karilee Rose and Addelynn Violet sounds very nice!


    Karilee Dawn Brédeaux

    Karilee Victoria Brédeaux

    Karilee Samantha Brédeaux

    Karilee Olivia Brédeaux

    Karilee Josephine Brédeaux

    Karilee Isabella Brédeaux

    Karilee Joy Brédeaux

    Karilee Amelia Brédeaux

    Karilee Rachelle Brédeaux

    Karilee Lynette Brédeaux

    Karilee Simone Brédeaux

    Karilee Paige Brédeaux

    Karilee Emma Brédeaux

    Karilee Angel Brédeaux

    I love Elliot James for one of the boys. I don't really like Colby.

    Josef Arnold and Elliot James sounds great!

    You could also try...

    Dallin Arnold Brédeaux

    Falcon Arnold Brédeaux

    Aero Arnold Brédeaux

    Samuel Arnold Brédeaux

    Carson Arnold Brédeaux

    Alexander Arnold Brédeaux

    Lucas Arnold Brédeaux

    Oliver Arnold Brédeaux

    Dawson Arnold Brédeaux

    Quincey Arnold Brédeaux

    Colton Arnold Brédeaux

    Jacob Arnold Brédeaux

    Zachary Arnold Brédeaux

    Colbalt Arnold Brédeaux

    Hope this helps!

    Good luck to you, your fiancé, your daughter, and your babies!

  6. I love Addelynn Violet!

    names are really adorable!

    congrats on the twins :)


  7. i like the girls names

    Keri lee Ann(e)

    i like the boys names

    what about Kevin Arnold

  8. i love your last name..

    addelynn violet bredeaux is very cute

    or you could have scarlett chloe bredeaux

    elliot james is very nice too

    you could have cameron michael  
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