
Baby names of your choice?

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i'm having a baby and I need to get some names. so tell me your favorites.


Annie Bailie-Marie

Emma Victoria

Bailie Marissa

Bria Joy

Shelbie Veda

Veda Grace

Julia Grace

Leah Kate


Dane Jonathan

Timmy Kyle

Alex Timothy

Jacob Shane [and call him jake]

Conner Thomas

Jessie Dane

tell me which ones you like and why [[well...if you feel like saying whyy]]





  1. Of your girls i like:

    Emma Victoria (cute but sophisticated)

    Julia Grace (very classy)


    Leah Kate (im just really into the name Leah lately which im finding odd cause i used to hate it. LOL)

    of your boys i like:

    Timmy Kyle (but i would use Timothy instead, and Kyle is my oldest son's name-Kyle David)

    Alex Timothy ( but i would switch it up, Timothy Alexander)


    Jacob Shane (just LOVE these names!)

    my favs at the moment are:

    Lorelei Claire

    Layla Katherine

    Gabriella Paige

    Tatum Olivia


    Caroline Elise

    Jackson Caleb

    Logan Kyler

    Phillip Aaron

    Nathaniel Parker


    Weston Emery

  2. I like Julia Grace and Alex (please give him the full first name of Alexander, I have a nickname for a first name and it's a pain in the butt) Timothy.

  3. Julia Grace and Jesse Dane flow together the best.

    Also, I believe that Jessie is the female version and Jesse is the male spelling..  

  4. of yours i really like


    Leah Kate

    Veda Grace


    Jacob Shane

    Connor Thomas

    but some suggestions i have are:

    Ava Joy

    Tally Grace/Gracie

    Julie Grace

    Camden Thomas

    Farid Dane

    also some names:







    Sebastien (called Seb)


    hope I helped!!

  5. Annie Bailie-Marie-it's too long.  I prefer Bailey, and Annie looks like a nickname.  What about Anna Marie or even Anna Bailey-Marie

    Emma Victoria- I LOVE the name Emma, but I HATE the name Victoria, everyone I've known has been really trashy(just my personal experience, no offense to anyone)  I really like Emma Kate

    Bailie Marissa- again I prefer Bailey, the name typed out Bailie, makes you look twice(it looks misspelled, sorry) Marissa is cute.  Bailey Miranda?

    Bria Joy- Sound kinda like Bring a Joy, it doesn't flow right.  I'm not a fan. Brianna Joy, maybe call her Bria

    Shelbie Veda- Shelbie is cute....not fond of Veda

    Julia Grace- very pretty, very traditional

    Leah Kate- again, a nice flow.  I really love the name Aleah- Aleah Kate?

    Dane Jonathon-I like it, a very strong masculine name

    Timmy Kyle- please don't give your kid a nickname as a first name. My uncle had it and hated it---it was Ricky.

    Alex Timothy- sounds good

    Jacob Shane- I love it!

    Connor Thomas- Great!

    Jessie Dane--Jessie sounds like a girls name

  6. i think Julia Grace is a very pretty name!

    Emma Victoria is my absolute favorite from this list!

    I also like Conner Thomas, although I do think Jessie Dane is adorable, i don't think it flows so well, but i love the name Jessie.

  7. Ok i dont like annie

    emma is cute

    bailie is cute but not with marissa

    bria is really pretty

    shelbie is cute but i dk about the middle name

    veda NO

    julia not to fond of

    leah is pretty too

    dane is different but i think of a great dane

    timmy kyle no

    alex is ok but not with timothy

    jacob shane is cute

  8. julia grace

    dane jonathan

  9. Julia Grace

    Conner Thomas

  10. Bailie Marissa,Emma Victoria,Bria Joy,Julia Grace, because they are sound like petite names for little girls! Boys": Dane Jonathan, Alex Timothy, Conner Shane, (because I fancy these names) I named two of my sons these names, and they sound mighty,strong.

  11. I like Shelbie Veda, Julia Grace and Leah Kate. all very pretty.

    for the boys, i like Dane Jonathan and Jessie Dane.

  12. my favoriteess aree


    chloe nicole

    cara  [i forget the middle name i had picked out]

    madison ann (maddie)

    hailey elizabeth

    abigail faith (abbey)


    riley james (rj)

    collin joseph (cj)

    mark john

    of yours i like:

    leah kate

    conner thomas

    i like them cause there different but common.

  13. I love Annie, hate the Bailie-Marie thing.  Too much and not even pretty.

    Emma Victoria is lovely.  Hate Bailie.  Marissa is nice.  Bria Joy is ugly.  Shelbie Veda isn't attractive.  Veda Grace is kind of cool.  Julia Grace is pretty, but common.  Leah Kate is nice, but too abrupt for my tastes.

    Hate Dane and Jonathan is ok.  Hate Timmy and Kyle.  Alex is nice, but what's wrong with Alexander?  Timothy is blah.  Jacob Shane doesn't sound right. Too much long A sound.  Conner Thomas has too much short O sound.  Jessie Dane sounds like a dog.  

  14. Emma Victoria (meaning "Universal" "Victory")

    I like that it has such a positive meaning, a feminine tone, and a classic feel :-)

    Dane Jonathan (meaning "From Denmark" "Gift of God")

    I don't know if it would have any special meaning for you - but it also strikes me as a positive name, masculine without being testosterone-overloaded, and very old-fashioned :-)

    Dane currently ranks 337 (2007 data) in popularity - which means that it won't be unheard of, but your child probably won't have to go by Dane X. (last initial) because there is always another in his class.  

  15. Annie Bailey-Marie

    Shelby Vada

    Vada Grace

    Connor Thomas

    Dane Johnathan

    *fixed up some spellings to the way I think they should be.*

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