
Baby not eating much

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I have a 4 week old baby and for the past 2 days he has not been eating all that much(he is formula fed) He was eating about 6 oz a feeding then he went to eating between 2-4 oz the past 2 days and he goes right back to sleep he still seems happy and not sick and he is still having 2 BMS a day. is it normal for him not to eat that much at 4 weeks and sleep alot?




  1. yeah my daughter did that too and now she is 4 months

    and drinks 6 too 7 oz i think he will be ok

    hope all is well

  2. this may be an early sign of teething  

  3. Babies go through spells.  Sometimes they eat you out of house and home, sometimes they sleep their lives away.  Sleeping is very good for a baby, so don't worry about that.  If he is not crying or sick, then he is okay.  When he gets hungry again, he will resume eating like there is no tomorrow.  Wait until he starts crawling around and refuses to eat.  That's really fun.  
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