
Baby not eating or drinking....?

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My daughter is 10.5 months old and in the past few days she has hardly eaten or drank any of her bottles, her last three nappies have only been slightly damp and she had diarrhea this morning. She has a slight cough and cold and keeps pulling at her ear but it isnt icky or red...she is also teething i think but she wont let me lift her lip to look....she has no fever...i live in a small country town and dont have drs open till tomorrow you think i should take her to emergency (she seems fine in herself a little grumpy but not to bad)...also my health nurse told me when she is like this to feed her whatever she will eat even if it means i give her watered down coke or flavoured milk what do you think?????




  1. I would take her to the ER if her mouth is dry and she has not had at least 6 wet diapers in a 24 hours.

  2. If she is as you say then I would be worried. Babies can become dehydrated very easily. If I were you I would take her to the emergency department. If you aren't too worried then just do as your nurse said and get fluids into her by any means and see the doctor tomorrow.

  3. when my baby was teething he had a really nasty sickness and diarrhoea bug. He didn't eat for about 8 days just had milk which he threw up after. It was terrible. We took him to the doc but they said just to keep giving him his milk and water. You should just keep a check and make sure she isn't dehydrated by seeing the colour of her urine in her nappy making sure its not too dark. If she gets a temp or you feel like she gets worse even a little bit worse take her to the hospital, its better to do that than worry all day. Also I don't agree with the watered down coke, you don't want her reacting to that now aswell. Some health professional's I do wonder where they get their qualifications from!!  

  4. I think if her mouth is really dry you should take to the ER

    I also think that you are doing the right thing giving her whatever she'll take! However if she dont have any wet diapers or like I said her mouth is dry take her in! she prob needs some IV fluids!

    And its always better to be safe then sorry!

  5. Hi!

    Look, I know others are saying to take her to the hospital, but if she seems happy still, and isnt lethargic then I'd say she isn't too bad.

    I wouldn't give her milk if she has diarrhoea, but try those hydro lite icy poles, or you can get it in a bottle of liquid and put it in her sippy cup. Also diluted lemonade is also helpful.

    Try to get liquids into her, even just a bit every half hour or hour, and maybe some panadol every four hours, and if she is no better by tomorrow a visit to the gp may be good.

    If she is fine though, and only a little "grumpy" lol, then I really don't think you have to be to worried.

  6. It sounds as if she is dehydrated.

    Ring the hospital to see what you can do.

    In the meantime, if you have something like a baby medicine dropper or medicine syringe like the ones in the baby panadol/neurofen bottles (the ones without the needle), try to syringe some water if possible into her mouth every half hour. If it does work, keep an eye on what she takes.

  7. Poor little thing.. take her too her doctor and have him/her check her out its seems she is really sick. not eating or drinking her bottles im sure your very worried and i would be.. good luck

  8. i think you should take your daughter to emergency

  9. I wouldn't be giving a baby coke, no matter how watered down it is!  Instead you should try giving her pedalyte icy poles, or some ice to suck on.

    My son has been doing this aswell - I took him to the doctor and it turns out he had an upper respiratory infection.  Poor bubba!  He doesn't want to eat or drink much coz his throat is sore.  He's also got a cough and a bit of snot and is a grumpy little bugger!  I think he's also teething, which alone can put a kid off their food.

    I don't think you need to worry about emergency room as you said she doesn't have a fever.  

    For the first couple of days I stopped offering solids and just gave him bottles, and now he's back to eating his solids (although still not as much as he was) and drinking well.

    It's this time of year - colds, flus and viruses are everywhere in the winter (you're in Australia aren't you?).

    Good luck and I hope she feels better soon :)

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