
Baby on board.?

by  |  earlier

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You have a baby with you fastened on a baby seat, and you stop by a petrol station to refuel, would you

A) Carry your baby with you while pumping in the gas

B) Leave him alone in his seat and lock the door, because the gas fume is detrimental to the baby's health.

If you were to get something off quickly to the petrol kiosk or to visit the washroom, would you leave him alone still with the car locked of course? or carry him with you...




  1. these answers are based on the fact that  i am the only other person in the car besides the infant....

    If i was just pumping gas and paying with a card... i would leave him/her in the car while I pumped the gas, since he/she would not be out of my sight.

    If i was leaving the car for any reason (use the bathroom, pick something up, pay inside)  i would take him/her with me.

    My daughter is 8 and i still don't leave her alone in the car.

    but, if there is another adult or older teenager with me, i would just leave him/her in the car with that person.

  2. I leave my daughter in the car when refueling or "pumping in the gas" and when I go to pay. If i had to go to the bog or "washroom" I would take her with me cos you can't see if you havin a pee!!

  3. Pumping gas is hazardous to everyone.  Baby stays in the car, perhaps window down.  Going somewhere other than the pump?  Baby comes with you.

  4. When I go to gas up, I leave the kid in the car seat. I don't even think about the window. If I smell fumes I'll close the window on that side, but that is unlikely, all gas stations here are outside and fumes are minimal if any.

    I absolutely would not carry him with me while fueling.

    I do not go off anywhere when fueling the car. Not to buy anything or to pee. I do not ever leave him in the car alone.

    "B" is a stupid choice. Why lock the doors if you're just fueling the car? If you think gas fumes are a problem, close the window and the door. --but you don't have to lock it!

  5. B) Plus I would take him with me to pay.

    And carry him with me.

  6. NEVER NEVER NEVER leave the child in a locked car when refuelling.  In the event of a fire there is no way you would be able to unlock the car and get to the child.

    If you can, lock the drivers door and the passenger doors except the one where the baby is, until you have fuelled the car, then move off the pump to the paypoint, (A petrol station can only say you've not paid if you actually leave the site without paying).

    You can then either lock the car with baby inside and pay, or take baby out and pay.

  7. carry him with you , put a little blanket on thos face so that he doesnt smell the air

  8. Never ever leave a baby or young child unattended.  While your back is turned for a few minutes, your child could easily be kidnapped from your unattended car even though it is securely locked.

  9. Leave baby locked in the car all the time while you are refuelling and paying.

    saves time and does not disturb the little one

  10. in an ideal world - leave him in the car whilst filling up and then take him out when paying.

    try to go to the pumps where you can pay with card AT the pump so you don't have to leave the car.

    Never leave him in the car and go out of sight - so even if you are dying to use the washroom - you have to take him with you.

    In an unideal world (i.e. reality!)  -He is probably asleep so:-

    leave him in the car to fill up;

    lock the car;

      run into station;

    huff and puff while waiting in the queue;

    pay and then run back to car;

    find baby crying;

    take him out to cuddle;

    have argument with person waiting for the pump;

    strap baby back in; get back in car;

    stressfully drive home and put the kettle on.
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