
Baby oozing milk out of mouth?

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Ok this is wierd. My 10 week old sometimes has too much to eat (I guess) and when I lay him down, he lets alot of the milk come out. He doesn't burp or spit up or even move a muscle.. its as if it was sitting in his mouth and just comes flowing out. Except it wasnt in his mouth b/c I checked. Isn't that wierd? Anyone else have this happen.




  1. I have the same problem with my 2 month old, only it will come out of her mouth and nose. She's difficult to burp so I have to sit her upright for a while after she eats. It's a bit of a reflux problem. They will grow out of it. If not, consult your doctor.

  2. By laying him down the excess that still hasn't gone all the way down comes back up.  It's still considered spitting up.  Trying holding him upright for a few minutes after he's done and burping him.  My baby is 5 1/2 months old and even after I hold her up and burp her, soon as I put her down she'll let some milk out still.  I hate it cuz it gets to her hair and and gets sticky, UGH!  It's not a big deal tho.  Some kids just spit up a little more than others.  

  3. sounds like he over ate and its getting pushed back out. that flap in his stomach might not be closing all the way and it is getting pushed out.

  4. my baby is 1 wk 2day n just kinda startd doin that

  5. that's what spit up can be like sometimes.  

  6. Spitting up can happen in several ways, not just the spectacular projectile version!

    Keep him upright for awhile after he has finished drinking so that the milk can digest a bit and he has plenty of time to burp. I know I don't like to lie down straight after a big drink and I guess your son is the same.

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