
Baby penguins dying - "possibly b/c of global warming" - but no evidence of that - is that just piling on?

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And can believers see that such piling on fuels skepticism?




  1. i don't understand the point you're trying to make - the article lists four possible explanations including overfishing, infection, pollution, and changing weather patterns(due to global warming).

    there is an environmental reason why the penguins are washing up in places they are not supposed to be - the article lists 4 environmental possibilities, the only thing biased here is you.

  2. there is a decline in sealife that is largely due to the over fishing and habits of man, whether that has something to do with global warming or not is a bit besides the point... penguins are traveling further to obtain more food, as such more of them are bound to become lost

  3. Exactly - and at this time Antarctic ice is gaining in thickness and in mass.  The environment is in no danger at all at the south pole.

    But this doesn't stop the believers from piling on the fear.  By the time one gets forgotten about, another fear tactic comes up.

    Remember when there was a "shortage" of rice?  Probably not, but this is an example of the fear mongering.

    Now "scientists" are saying that "global warming" is going to cause more kidney stones.  Ed Markie is now claiming that "global warming" caused Black Hawk Helicopters to be shot down.

    Of course none of this is true, as global warming hasn't even added one degree of warmth to the climate even from the most extremists views.  But it does manufacture the fear, and this is the goal.

    Smart people like us don't fall for such a scam.  It's just too bad that today's schools have dumbed our kids down.

  4. It was one of three possibilities offered by individuals, I don't see where it is 'piling on' or even noteworthy as far as GW skeptics would be concerned.  If the story headline read something like 'Global Warming likely cause of Massive baby penguin killing' I'd be like GEEZ, but I just don't see any issue whatsoever about GW being mentioned as one of three possible causes buried in the article itself.  It seems an  unusual stretch to me that you would even consider it worthy of note as some sort of justification for 'skepticism' about GW.

    EDIT: I understand that and as I said would concur with an opinion that an article of this nature is 'piling on' had the headline-or body of the article-been alarmist or slanted toward GW being the cause.  But it is not.  If your point is you're suffering from general overkill because of all the environmental issues linked to GW/AGW, you have my sympathy.  It isn't totally unlike research of the last 40 years that links so many things to cancer risk, at some point some people are going to get numbed by it and not worry how much red dye number 2 or MSG is in their diets.  Of course, once it is understood that consuming red dye #2 or MSG puts only the individual that consumes it at risk rather than the risks posed to the general population and planet by GW/AGW the similarities end.

    I just think the article itself isn't very noteworthy just because of the mention of GW as one of the possible causes, and I don't see any reason for anyone to have their skepticism fueled by it, although I will readily concede that you and others may just be suffering from overkill...I don't know, I may be too and we just express it in different ways.  That's my opinion on this particular article though-you asked, I answered.

  5. On the way to work this morning, I saw a 'flattened' squirrel on the street.

    My guess is that global warming caused the squirrel to attempt to cross the street in search of food.......OR........ maybe...... it was a young inexperienced squirrel who ventured to far from home and into the street......... oh heck......I don't know!!??

  6. Something strange and warming is happening in Antarctica.

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