
Baby prefers one breast which is now saggier with larger areola. Will this ever correct itself?

by  |  earlier

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I am 24 and have had 2 children, the first was breastfed for 16 months and she favoured the right side as the left has an inverted nipple. I am currently breastfeeding my 10 month old who now won't even touch the left breast.

I suffered from major postpartum depression, so I just let her feed off of the one side without really making an effort to correct it - BIG mistake. I am now left with one semi-normal looking breast and one big hangy sack with a giant, lighter coloured nipple. I also lost a considerable amount of weight, so that definately had an impact on the sagging.

Is there any chance that my b*****s will ever look remotely the same again when I stop nursing? I never thought I would be the kind of person to get cosmetic sugery, but I am now considering it, not because I am vain, but because I am extremely unsatisfied with my body and it makes be feel horrible when I see myself in the mirror. It effects my self esteem more than I ever imagined it would. Advice?




  1. it's very very common for there to be an imbalance,  especially with the situation you describe.  i don't think they'll get back to exactly how they were balanced before.  

    i'm so sorry you feel so badly about this.  i wish i could convince you somehow that self esteem is about so much more...

    you are beautiful.  you have mommy marks.  try to focus on what you love in yourself.  do not compare yourself (or even exposure yourself to) the crazy plastic images of this culture.  you are beautiful as you are.

    good for you for breastfeeding even through these challenges.  you're doing great things for your kids.

  2. got a pic?

  3. You are young and should not feel this way about yourself. Just because you are a mom does not mean you have stopped being a woman. Finish nursing your baby and then lift your spirits by lifting your b*****s!

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