
Baby question... Help please?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I am almost 9 months with baby #1... I already have lots of clothes, a crib, changing table, bouncy chair,car seat, stroller, and lots of baby blankets... It's coming really close to my due date and I don't really kno what else I need except for a hi-chair, bottles and passys, monitors, some toys, and a baby book... Is there anything else I need to go ahead and get to be prepared for her arrival? Please ANYTHING youu can think of would help...




  1. Do you have a bassinet?  That's a personal preference, but when I had my daughter last year, she slept in my room in her bassinet, made things easier for feedings, if she woke up, around 4 or 5 months she slept in her crib.

    How about a pack-n-play - it's a play pen w/a bassinet and usually changing gear attached.  Again personal choice but I used in my living room, she slept in the bassinet part when she was newborn to 4 months, when she was old enough and sitting on her own even w/support I took the bassinet part off and she played in the play pen part w/her toys.  It was was wonderful to take on trips you have her bed and changing table attached, I used it at my sister when I stayed there, it folds up into a nice carrying case - that's why they call it a pack and play.

    I see you didn't mention a swing - me, and the moms I know think a swing was the best thing invented, during the day you can put your little one in there, they enjoy it and usually fall asleep, lots of moms love it when they don't have a napper, the swing worked perfect.

    How about bibs or burp clothes - I didn't want my daughter to ruin her clothes, nor did I want to change her all day, so used bibs when I fed her, kept a burp cloth for over the shoulder or whenever I was burping her.

    You mentioned you have baby blankets, what about using a swaddling blanket, yes you can swaddle a regular blanket, but the swaddling one have Velcro that will keep them tight and closed - my daughter loved it, but no all babies do.

    Bottle warmer - not necessary, but I had one and loved it.

    You may want one of those mats they play on for tummy time, I had one but my daughter was never interested in it, but all my friends said their kids loved them.  You could always just put a  blanket down w/some toys too.

    Diaper bag - one w/a changing table cover, plus you'll need them to lug all your stuff w/you.

    Pacifier clips or holders - I use them all the time, but found it was wonderful to have her pacifier clipped onto her car seat strap so if she was crying and I could find her pacifier and give it to her, easier to find while your driving and

    Baby soap for bathing - I used Pampers Night time - the purple one, loved the smell and found it did help them sleep longer.

    Things you'll need immediately when you get home, didn't see you mentioned them but you may have:

    Diapers - I preferred pampers swaddlers for newborns, switched to Luvs when she went to next size up, holds alot of urine, never leaks, and you don't smell the potty like in the other diapers, plus there cheap.

    Wipes - I use pampers sensitive, has the best cloth, doesn't leave little balls behind - I found that huggies did.  Pleasant smell, not too strong and works great for sensitive skin - I also had a wipe warmer which I still use so they don't have feel a cold wipe on their little toosh.

    Bottles & Formula if your not breast feeding - I used Infamil, ready to use - it's more expensive than the powder but my daughter was sensitive to the powder and had a hard time working out her p**p until I switch her to the regular ready to use.  Oh - and if you try a formula that doesn't work or bothers your child call the company let them know, they want to track issues and they usually will send you something else to try for free or send you something you switched to that works - and sign up for the coupon some are as much as $10 a coupon.

    You can buy her toys, books later all the other small stuff as time goes on, it's not something they will need when you first get home. First month all they do is eat, sleep, p**p, and need mommy time.

    That's all I can think of for now, congratulations - hope this helps!

  2. well you won't need a high chair for a few months, possibly a swing? other than that you sound prepared to me Congratulations!

  3. I would say extra wash rags if it is a boy, great for laying on him when you take his diaper off. LOL and make sure you have a hat and socks babies lose heat fast. Good luck and enjoy every moment

  4. Can't think of anything else for your baby.  For you; Lanisol for sore nipples and night time sanitary towels.

  5. It sounds like you have what you need for the baby, but what about what you need for yourself, like breast pads, tucks pads, some underwear that you dont mind getting blood on and can toss when your done with them. Cause you bleed alot.

    Just somethings that popped in my head, do you have a dressor and hangers for the baby, what about crib sheets.

    Good luck.

  6. baby laundry soap

    burp cloths

    thats all i can think of .. oh and...

    and a camera!

  7. I noticed you're missing:


    diaper wipes

    wash cloth for bath

    nail clippers

    baby wash/lotion/poweder


    ... and ... BALMEX (the best bottom ointment out there!)

    soft music

    rocking chair

    foot stool for the rocking chair

    ... and list of people who'll bring you cooked meal for couple of weeks!

    You'll do fine.


  8. you need to get some malicon for the gas pains and maybe some baby tylinol if you shoose to give that to her...

  9. Diapers


    Baby Tylenol

    Mylcoin (sp?) drops - for gas

    Burp cloths

    Baby socks

    bottle cleaner and bottles if you're not breastfeeding

    diaper bag

    monitor - if she's sleeping in her own room

    plenty of film or room on your digital camera!!

  10. A pair of baby nail clippers


    Patroleum Jelly / Diaper rash cream

    You will learn a lot of little things you need when you are in the hospital and often times if you ask the nurses, they will let you take home any opened containers and extra items from your baby's bassinet / care items. Just make sure they aren't going to charge you for them.

  11. If you are nursing a nursing cover and some sort of baby carrier sling or something like that

    Do you have a boppy.  We had a lot of naps on that thing

  12. you should get one of those pillows that keeps the baby in the right position while they sleep it helps with the fear of choking and suffocating

  13. Well, you don't really NEED toys for a newborn, bottles, pacifiers, blankets or most other things on your list.

    If you have basic clothing, diapers, (enough to get started -- don't stock up)  a place for baby to sleep, at least one functioning breast, a car seat, and a place to bathe the baby (a tub or kitchen sink) you are really all set.

    If you find you need more stuff, you can buy it as you need it. (Most of the standard lists assume that we need FAR more than is actually necessary, esp. for a newborn.)

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