
Baby rat questions?? pls help soon?

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i have a king snoake and we went ealier today and bought a rat pup. its eyes are open, it can run if it has to and we went to feed it to our snake. well the snake wont touch it cuz its too big and so now i have this rat pup that is prolly bout 3 weeks old and i dont want it to die. how should i take care of it.... its not quite eating solid foods yet so i tryed to give it spme baby food... it wasnt too interesyed, but it was more interested in the water that i was giving it. does anyone have an iea for taking care of this pup?




  1. Try feeding it warm milk like it was a human baby. Or, if it won't eat, find a female rat that is either pregnant or has had babies. Give the rat to her and she will take care of it until it weans. Then you can take it back.

  2. If it's not eating solid food but is running around, it is about 2 weeks old.

    You can buy baby rodent milk at the pet store.  Apparently it is able to drink on its own.  Get some regular rat food too, because in the next week or so it should start eating solid food; so put some in the cage for it.  By 3 weeks it should be able to eat all solid food.  

    Or see if the store will take it back; but now you're attached to it, eh?

  3. At 3 weeks old, it should be able to eat solid food.  Eyes open at about 2 weeks.   If it's about 2 weeks old, you'll need to get some kind of soy milk/goat milk to give to it.  If you get a quality lab block like Mazuri or Harlan Tekklan, you can kind fo grind it into dust and put it into the soy milk, and it's more nutritious.  Baby food is good for it, but it can't live on it long-term.

    It's probably a bit freaked out, so may not eat due to that.  You could always try to find a rat rescue, or ask a vet if they know someone who may give it a good life.

  4. You dont want it to die but you tried feeding it to your snake? That doesn't make sense. Feed your snake frozen stuff or at least mice and not rats. Thats just mean.

    Anyway, its probably too young to be separated from the mother. You can try buying some kitten milk and feeding that. Or you can try soft oatmeal. Fresh fruit is good too. If you can't get it too eat just leave it in a cage with plenty of water and some food. Maybe if its left by itself for a while it will feel more comfortable. If you can keep it alive for another week or so it should be able to eat solid food so dont give up!

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