My baby is 6 months and we started solid food this past month. She started rice cereal, but reacted to it and was up screaming at night and blew out of her diapers more than usual and a few times a day. So we stopped that and started sweet potatoes. She still would wake up crying but it didn't seem quite as bad as before. Now we started her on squash and she wakes up SCREAMING every 1-2 hours and the only way she will stop screaming and fall back asleep is if I breastfeed her. It's not a growth spurt because she eats normal (every 3 hours) during the day. She spits up a lot, although it has gotten a bit better. I read babies with reflux react to foods and I think she might be a "happy" refluxer. The pediatrician doesn't think she is refluxy but she would spit up TONS! In fact you can see white spots all over our carpet from the times she spits up. Anyway, is it bad luck that she has reacted to rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and squash, or could there be a problem? It doesn't matter if we feed her in the morning or evening, both cause her to scream at night. Thanks for any help, our pediatrician is off today.