
Baby rolled to his stomach... 10 easy points!!?

by  |  earlier

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He rolled over when I put him to bed, should I put him back onto his back?? He just turned 5 months on the 20th. PLEASE HELP!




  1. If he can roll back over, leave him.  If not... you might roll him back over, however, if you wake him up, you'll have to deal with him!

    They grow up so fast, don't they!

  2. That is perfectly normal and he will be fine as long as you have watched him before and seen that he can take blankets and what not off of his face. He is finding what is comfie for him. I wouldn't worry too much, just let him be. Just make sure there is nothing loose like a blakie or anything he can grab.

  3. I read around a few parenting sites to answer your question, and the general information I came up with was that it isn't a good idea too young for the risk of SIDS, but once they come to an age where they are rolling onto their stomach on their own accord after you put them down on their backs, they probably are strong enough and developed enough to handle it. So don't worry, and get yourself som sleep. =]

  4. once he starts rolling you can leave him how he is comfortable. You are not going to roll him onto his back all until he is 18...right? You can't force him to stay in one position any more but it won't hurt him. just make sure there are not blankets or toys by his face.

  5. It's normal. And f t makes you feel better, check in every so often. But everything should be fine.

  6. Hi i think your wee one should be fine it is quiete scary the first time they try something new they are always learning congratulations on ur sons milestone if you dont feel comfortable with him being on his bak just stay for a few minutes with him and see if he feels comfortable enough if not i am sure he will let you know  

  7. No Your baby is old enough now to sleep on his stomach just make sure there is nothing like blankets and stuff around in the crib.  

  8. you can roll him over if you want, the doctors always told me that when my babies started to roll like that just to leave them alone, if they are comfortable like that then they will jsut do it again in the middle of the night.  Once they learn it there is no way to stop it really

  9. It really all comes down to how you feel about it. I let bubs sleep on her tummy during the day if that's what she wants (maybe twica week) but not over night as I know I'll never get any sleep.

    During the day I keep a close eye on her if she's on her tummy... the first time she fell asleep face down but not since.

    If you don't feel comfortable then flip him... just be prepared for him to flip back :)

  10. as long as there is nothing wrong with it

    just to be safe, put him on his back... carefully!

    you dont want to wake him, because what if he can't fall back asleep, then you'd be in for something :P

  11. My son started rolling over in his sleep at about 5 months, too. I was pretty paranoid about SIDS. I did some research on the net and it seems to say that once they can roll over on their own you shouldn't worry.

    I started putting him in a sleepbag so that he couldn't suffocate, too.

    I kept rolling him back over for the first week and he didn't sleep very well.

    When I stopped he started sleeping better.

  12. No, leave him the way he is, but make sure that the mattress is firm and that the covers, plushes etc aren't obstructing his breathing...

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