
Baby shaking on his own...?

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My son is 8 months 4 weeks old and today I have noticed him shaking. It seems like he gets mad and shakes his upper body but only for 1 or 2 seconds. About 6 or 7 years ago I used to babysit a little girl and she would get really excited and shake much harder than this and for alot longer. I found out some years later that she was having seisures. I am really worried that this is what might be happening with my son. Right now it is not nearly as violent and not even close to as long but... ahh its still scarry.

I want to know, is it common for babies to shake like he is? If it happens more or gets worse I will be calling the ER and taking him up there... if not, we have a doctors apointment in 11 days and we will talk to our doctor about it then. I have been trying to get ahold of my mom but she is out of the country right now. Help?




  1. Give the hospital a phonecall. They can advise you if you need to bring him in as an emergency or not.

    But don't wait 11 days or for it to get worse.

    Whats the worst thing? They tell you nothing is wrong.

    No - If there is and you do nothing that is the worst thing.

  2. My little sister started having seizures at 6 months old and they sound exactly like what you are describing. I suggest you make an appointment with a neurologist asap!

    If he continues to have seizures it could cause brain damage that could result in developmental delays, or mental retardation.

    Im not trying to scare you, but I really hope you take him to a neurologist and demand an e.e.g. In the ER they may not give him the attention he needs. This happened to my little sister. Please trust me, you can never be too paranoid. My little sister has extensive developmental delays and may be permanently brain damaged b/c of doctors who didn't understand. I pray that you never have to experience this.  

    I will once again ask you to get an EEG for your son, and if you find that he is in fact having seizures, then please, research the ketogenic diet before you put him on serious medication. The medication never worked for her, and actually made the seizures worse.

    I wish the best for you and I will pray for you. I hope you never have to experience what I had to. I was 14 when my sister was born, and I have been through it all.

  3. is he stiffining up when he does it? if so then get him checked, if not it could just be the shivers.

  4. It could be a possibility and I would definitely ask a doctor. My daughter is 3 now and she will clench her fists and shake also every now and then but then she usually laughs. It could be your child testing his body or something serious sorry if this isn't much help but I wouldn't stress too much until you see the doctor. Even if it is seizures you've caught it early enough that it shouldn't affect him.

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