
Baby sitting disaster!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so we have this neighbor hood 4th of july party. I was planning to babysit their daughter to paint her nails for her friends for her birthday party 2 weeks later. when i was at the 4th of july party i was talking to my dad and saying jokingly to him ur stupid! I didn't mean it but the girl heard this and went to her dad and told him what i said to my dad. he got angry and didnt want me to baby sit his kids anymore. I have alredy babysitted them before and they like me a lot! do u think this is fair!? I was joking around and he knew it we were both laughing!




  1. no, that's totally unfair. I joke around like that with my dad all the time! That dad has a stick up his butt!

  2. If you really want the job back, than talk to them. preferably with your dad. You never know for sure what exactly the little girl said to her parents. It could have been something alot worse than what you actually said. They might be mad right now, but i guarantee when they can't find a babysitter, they'll come running back!

  3. Think about it. Your daughter tells you your stupid and than tells you that the sitter taught her that. I have babysat for 3 years and even when I first started I watched my mouth alot more when I was near children younger than me. I would even tell friends that there word chioces where not the best at that moment. I know that you said it was jokingly, but sometimes the context can be misunderstood. Just count it as a loss, I'm sure you will get another family eventually.

  4. yeah..thats not fair. you were just joking around with your dad. tell that girls dad that and have your dad there too to back you up. hope everything works out for you.

    good luck!!

  5. i definatly don't think its fair at all talk to your dad about it and maybe have him talk to this guy.

  6. No they sound dumb and immature your better off!

  7. Hmmm, they probably wont invite you again -but they could if you went over there an apoligized. Say you were joking! Beacause you were! And if they dont, move on! Really, there will be other people!

  8. You should tell the dad exactly what you told us, and have your dad there with you to back you up. If he won't believe you even after that, maybe it's better you didn't babysit his kids...?

    Best of luck to you :]

  9. i think that's immature of them to do that. i mean, come on, it's not like you were dropping f bombs or something.

  10. If they know you well and you've babysat them before, they'll understand. Just go to their house with your dad and have him explain calmly and honestly that it was a joke and you didn't mean to have that influence their daughter. Say you're sorry and that you'd really love to go back to babysitting their kids. Just be honest and good luck! =)

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