
Baby size at 6.6 weeks???? does this sound ok im worried?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i am 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant i had a transvaginal ultrasound scan on tuesday the 19th august as i had had some slight spotting. we saw the heartbeat and the embryo measured 8.0mm is this ok??? does it sound normal ?? the ultrasound lady said it was well in the size range so does that mean its ok?? im so worried . ive had a miscarriage before and terrorfied im going to have another 1 or a missed miscarriage it sounds so stupid but i just keep thinking my babys dead inside me even tho i know its not whats wrong with me i feel terrorfied to move incase i start bleeding.. i should add that i do smoke and i am despratly trying to stop ive been to a smoking cessation and have been given the nicorette inhalator but it just does work and they wont give me anything else ... thank you for your answers please no nasty hatefull ones either




  1. It sounds fine but if you're THAT concerned about miscarriage you would just stop smoking, with no crutches. If you really cared about your baby that much you could try not to be so selfish, and just stop smoking...millions have done it, you can too. Smoking raises your miscarriage risk tremendously. Decide which is more important to you- the drug (nicotine) or your baby? Do you want to take the risk of your baby dying because you couldn't stop your addiction? That's a question only you can answer...

  2. as long as your doctor says everything is fine, there is no need to worry. and sometimes a little spotting early on in pregnancy is normal, especially after having a vaginal ultrasound or cervical exam.

    i had the same worries at the beginning of my pregnancy. a year before i found out i was pregnant, i miscarried twins. when i found out i was pregnant again, i worried for months that i was going to miscarry again. i finally told myself to stop worrying, that my baby was find, and that the only reason i was so scared was because of the miscarriage i had a year earlier.

    just relax, your baby is going to be fine!

  3. 8mm is a good size and presumably you saw a good heart-beat as well.  The ultrasound is more accurate way to measure at this stage i.e. before 10 weeks (rather than LMP), so you are probably 6.6 weeks pregnant.  You could've ovulated later or implanted later than you thought.

    A little spotting after transvaginal ultrasound is normal.  You need to relax.  The chance of miscarriage is dramatically reduced after seeing the heart-beat.

    Good luck and do use the inhaler if you cannot quit.

  4. i understand your concerns. but if everything was fine at the so no then you might not worry so much. they are not going to lie to you. and just try cutting down on the smoking until you can kick the habit. you did form the habit in one day. no one expects you to stop in one day

  5. yes hun my baby was around that at that stage, they all grow at different rates. doc would have said if it wasnt normal. dont stress sweet, not good for baby

    gonna get on at you a bit now..... if you're worried about miscarrying PLEASE quit smoking now. it can very much increase miscarriage. the fact u r carrying another life should be enough to stop. Good on u for getting help tho

  6. The chances of having a miscarriage go down soooo much once you see that little heart beating.  Do yourself a favor and relax.  The added stress is not going to help you at all.  I bled a lot during my first pregnancy.  I had several m/c scares with that pregnancy.  At times my bleeding was pretty heavy, too.  For some reason, some women have bleeding and others don't.  For whatever reason it's totally normal.  So despite my bleeding, I now have a beautiful three year old little girl.  

    As far as smoking...acupuncture works wonders!  I'm not kidding, I used to smoke before I got preggo and I used acupuncture to quit.  It is amazing how quickly the cravings went away.  And it's not as painful as it looks, it's actually quite relaxing.

    Good luck!

  7. Hun your baby is fine i had an ultrasound at 8 weeks on wednesday and my baby is measuring 16mm and i have seen the heart beat twice,

    you have the same worries as me i am terrified some thing is going to go wrong with my baby i have had 2 miscarriages this year,

    You have to give up smoking the moment i found out i was pregnant i gave up and it was as easy as that i have been smoking since i was 17 and I'm now 33 and the day i found out i quit i don't understand how you find it hard,

    What did it for me was the doc said if i don't give up this time i could have another miscarriage ,the doc said my smoking probably caused the miscarriage and nearly 9 weeks on my baby is fine ,

    Food for though hun!!

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