
Baby sleeping on his side?

by  |  earlier

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our 14 week old boy wants to sleep on his side.....we always put him down on his back but within 10 mins he's fast asleep on his side (like a wee old man!!) matter how often we turn him over - he always goes back on his this ok or is it simply not safe?

he can roll on to his belly fine and hold his head very well....we haven't seen him roll back onto his back yet though.....




  1. my son does the same thing..  he will be 4 months on the 28th..  i used to turn him back to his back but he would always return to his side..

  2. When I need this kind of answer I just went to

    helped me so I guess it can you!


  3. he should be fine it is just the way he is coftabill

  4. When my daughter was born she would not sleep on her back and for the first 4 weeks she would always sleep on my chest( I KNOW NOT SAFE) but anyways she would only sleep on the stomach( DOCTORS SAY THATS NOT GOOD) but thats the only way she would and she was fine. Its your child let them sleep the way they want to my daughter is almost 3 now and she turned out just fine not sleeping on her back...and i have always though that when babies sleep on there back when they are really little if they get sick they will chock becuase they cant move on there own... Congrats on your little one and good luck

  5. he should be fine . if he has the mobiltiy to roll onhis side then there nothing to worry about .  my son did/does do this . at first yes i worried , but after seeingthat he was ok , i dont as much . i do go into check on him before i lay down and whe i get up threw the night . and i make sure his blanket isnt up around his face ,and if he has any toys in bed are on the other end. hope this helps

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