
Baby sleeps all night and again more in morning!?

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My son is almost 4 months and usually sleeps 8-10 hours a night. he gets up by 8 AM and usually my 9 AM or so, is fussy and tired again. Anyone had a baby like this? He still cat naps about every 2 hours during the day. We try to interact a lot before and after dinner and before bed time. Seems to be working I guess. Just want to hear other experience similar. Maybe he is eating a lot, playing a lot and therefore wants to sleep more too!! Thanks!




  1. Yeah my son was just about the same. He would wake up in the morning about the same time - then after an hour to an hour and a half he would be ready to nap again. If I went back to bed he would sleep like another 2 hours. Now he is about 6 months and will stay up for about 2 hours or a bit more before he goes down for his nap. Usually up about 9 - 9:30 then nap at 11 - 11:30 sleeps till like 1-2pm. Then awake for like 2 - 3 hours, sleeps again for half hour - max of 2 hours. Depends if I go to sleep with him.

    Some days he will wake up at like 8 and eat and then want to go straight back to sleep. If your baby likes their sleep I wouldn't be worried about it. Be Glad!!!

    Good Luck

  2. Wow, you are one lucky mom! I wouldn't be worried about it. Your son probably just uses a little more energy up than the average baby. If he is sleeping like that, you should be super happy. As long as he is getting proper feedings and still interacting with his parents, it shouldn't be a problem. He may be going through a growth spurt or beginning the early stages of teething, which can tire a little one out. Enjoy it while it lasts!!  

  3. Eat-play-sleep is the best routine for young babies. After being awake for 2 hours, it should be time for another nap Your baby is doing all the right things!

  4. how is this a problem, you get to sleep unlike most parents with babies this age, i would take it as a blessing

    im glad you feel that way!

  5. That's fine (and such a blessing that he's sleeping that well! you lucked out my dear!) My son would always be ready for a nap 1 hour after he woke up, no matter what.  I called it "First Nap" and then at that age he would be ready for another nap about every 2 hours.  Slowly the time in between will increase.  

    It's hard work growing and learning all these new things, it makes babies very tired.  Enjoy all the naps! =)

  6. At four months, napping every two hours is perfectly normal, strangley, the more babies sleep during the day the better they will sleep at night - unlike us!

    I reckon you've just got a good sleeper. If he's alert and active between naps you've got absolutely nothing to worry about.

  7. your freakin lucky my son sleeps and 2 hours during the day and then 7 hours at night(gets up 3 times in that 7 hour period)

    this has been going on since he wasa born and hes now almost 6 months old. can wait till its over

  8. Yes, I went through the same thing!! I was freaked out about it and I talked to my Dr and he said that it was normal. He said if she was eating good, playing good, and very alert when she is awake it is no cause for problem.

    When my Daughter was 4 months old she would sleep all through the night as well- Then, she would awake at about 7am and she would get her morning bottle and then she was back asleep.

    Also- Try and keep in mind babies this age still require a lot of sleep! Sleeping mean that they are growing! As mentioned earlier- If he is eating good, and very alert and active when he is awake, then there is no problem.

    Hope this was reassuring! May God bless you!!  

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