
Baby spiders in my bed?

by Guest33883  |  earlier

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A couple of hours ago I was about to climb into bed, and I saw bunches of little spider juniors skittering around and having a great time.

Well, they need to die.

What do I do? If it matters, I sleep in a loft bed and I have a cat that loves to sleep in my bed. I need the safest way possible to kill them or somehow force them out, any ideas...?




  1. What I would do is immediately throw the sheets and blankets in the wash to kill any remaining spiders and eggs, vaccum the mattress and surrounding areas to remove any eggs and put new clean sheets on.  Thats the safest way without using chemicals since your cat sleeps with you.  You need to get some Raid and spray around the edges of your room to prevent anything coming in.

  2. haha it would be funny if you went to bed and woke up covered in like a giant spiders' web

    well not really funny for you of course

  3. Vaccum cleaner.

  4. I advise you to scream, strip all your clothes off and throw them at your bed, then run to wherever you keep spare clothes, dress, have a huge spas, rip them off again, run to the shower, and spend the rest of the night washing yourself

    That's what I'd do!

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