
Baby spit up, ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?

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My baby spit's up constantly, loads of spit up! Is there any way to decrease the amount she spits up? I know spitting up is normal for ten week olds since their digestive systems are still weak and she's healthy-gains weight. But it is CONSTANT! I try everything I know, burp her, have her sit up after feedings, but nothing seems to help.




  1. Spit up is so annoying isn't it? You get all ready to go somewhere, you put on your favorite CLEAN shirt and then BAM! Nasty recycled milk all over your nice shirt! There are some ways to decrease it though, like you said burping frequently can help and having them sit up, also try tummy time. That helps my daughter. Or you could thicken the milk with rice cereal. Or feed her smaller amounts more often. If none of this helps talk to her doctor about it.

  2. is she allergic to the formula, some children can not digest many formulas and I was a child that my mother breastfed or tried to but choose to bottle feed but I was allergic to all the brands and had to get mama milk from a nurse maid because of the allergies, because at 10 weeks I dropped from my 8 pounds 8oz  to less than 7 pounds and could not stomach anything they tried, My parents sent away to america for other brands of formulas because the three that were available in Germany at that time were no good.

  3. you could see her pediatrician for reflux medications

  4. if ure feeding her formula try switching my son did the same thing also feed her or him a little maybe smaller frequent meals could help like instead of 4 oz try 3 or u know like that also try the enfamil gentlease or the similac isomil advance my baby bot was sptting up alot so i started feeding him less milk and he just stoped spitting up also i give him similac advance with early shield he goes p**p more than with regular similac u should try it? and if ure breastfeeding try feeding him only like one breast then burp him or her  

  5. If you are concerned talk to her pediatrician.  But chances are it's nothing...babies spit up...get used to it.  

    Oh and while you are getting used to that, you may as well set aside any aversions you have to pee, p**p, snot, vomit, blood and any other body fluids because you are going to get them on you at one point or another.

  6. I'd ask the doctor. I don't know if it's the same for every baby but my daughter will be 11 weeks on Monday & is the same way. She has GERD The doctor told me to add a little of rice cereal to her bottle. It weighs the formula down so she won't throw up & it does NOT pose a choking hazard as some people say. My mom had to do this with me & my little sister when we were babies too. As for the brand of formula, I use Enfamil Gentlease because she also had big problems with gas & constipation. She almost never throws up now.

  7. My daughter was the same way until i changed her formula. Your baby might be drinking something too rich, try changing it.

  8. in addition to the change the formula answers i have to add ive had both of these problems- changed to soy formula {similac isomil} & she seems to be only spitting up THAT much when she way overeats. your baby is new to you though so u might not be abale to recanize the problem , like her eating habits, how much is to much.  i would suggest stopping her before she has stopped herself, a couple times through out the feeding, and burp her, so it wont be one huge burst if the spitting up really doesnt seem to stop after trying everything.  my 5 month old still spits up, but not exorcist style like she use to lol. this has helped me, good luck & congratz!

  9. my daughter did also, my doctor switched her formula to Enfamil AR. it has rice protein added to thicken it. It helps so much! Similac also has a version of it I believe it is Similac RS. You can try a small can of it to see if it helps, or a premade mixture, it is cheaper and you don't have to add water.

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