
Baby spitting up her milk?

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okay so we started our daughter on whole milk about a month ago & since doing so she seems to be spitting up more

not a crazy amount & sometimes she wont do it for days, but when she does , it always has the consistency of like watery ricotta cheese

my question is -she's rarely ever spits up & she doesnt have an allergy to milk so why might she be doing this now (she's a little over a year now)

& also we make about an 8oz bottle per serving & microwave it to "take the chill out" for only about 15 seconds - should we be warming it more or less do you think & does the milk temp affect spit up




  1. How old is she? If she is not over 1 years get her off,  Secondly if its coming out in curds then its souring in her stomach, Meaning it is disagreeing with her, its called vomit.  

  2. It could just be disagreeing with her stomach. While she may not have an allergy to it, she may have a difficulty with digesting it. Meaning - it's not gonna kill her, but is probably making her very uncomfortable. The temperature of the milk is not going to have an impact on anything because milk is milk, regardless of the temperature. You don't throw up something because it's hot or it's cold, you throw up because something in it is not agreeing with your body.

    I would try some soy milk, or lactose free milk and see if she can keep that down. Also - consult your pediatrician.  

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