
Baby stages and development help

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I am looking for websites or maybe even books that can tell me if my baby is at the right stages (development) or not. For example, my daughter is 8 weeks old and she isnt cooing yet. I just want to know what is normal for a baby to be at what stages. Does anyone know? Thanks!!




  1. The book what to expect the first year has all the developmental milestones month by month so it would be really good for you to have. I used mine constantly. While you may be concerned a lot of the time there are ranges for when a child develops a new skill and just because you child isn't doing it at the beginning of the range doesn't mean anything is wrong. Some babies crawl at 6 months so parents expect that from their child but most often children don't crawl until 9 months and some even later but all of which are normal...even if you child never crawls it's normal. Also you can go to baby center .com and they have all that same information on their website. Baby ages adn stages is on line too and they will have that information for you too. According to the book i have you child should just be able to vocalize in some other way other than crying by the time she turns 3 months old.


    this gonna help you  

  3. sign up with they will send you weekly emails on milestones and othe intresting things

  4. I suggest you get "Baby 411" by Denise Fields and Ari Brown. (While you're there, go ahead and pick up Toddler 411.)  Both are great books and tell you when most milestones are met (and you'll be surprised by the range of time).  

    I also would not stress about your baby not cooing now - not all kids make noise.  If at your next appointment (3 months?), she's still not cooing  bring up with your doctor/nurse practitioner.  If you can't wait, call them now.  


    This site should be very helpful to you.  Also the "What to Expect the First Year" book is very good.  It's by the same writers at "What to Expect When Expecting."


    Those are pretty good ones to check out. All babies develop at different stages, some roll over at 2 weeks, some don't roll over until 5 months. I hope those sites help a bit.  

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