
Baby teething so early?

by Guest56206  |  earlier

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My son is 3 1/2 months old. He was a preemie so his "corrected age" is 2 months but I dont really use that because he has hit all of his milestones with his actual age. About a week ago he started to chew on his hand and drool all the time. When I tried to feed him or give him the pacifer he screams even more. When I give him the teething ring he just sits there and holds it and chews and drools all over it with out screaming. When I told my mom and M-I-L they were surprised he was teething this early. Is this the time around when they start?




  1. I think it's normal; my baby sister started teething at about three months of age and she didn't have any problems related to it.

  2. Some babies actually have teeth when they're born.  Most babies start teething at around 7 months, but it's not unusal to get teeth before that.  I don't think your baby being a preemie matters.

    My daughter was full term but got teeth at 4 months.

  3. yes, it can happen at any time.  my son was only 5 months old when he had 5 teeth cut through at the same time!  It's rough!  Give him pain relief medicine, bonjela or similar for his gums, or even chipped ice cubes to suck on.

  4. Yes!

    Mine started a little before 4 months. This is perfectly normal.

    Good luck!

  5. My daughter's first teeth cut through the week before she turned 4 months old, so it's a good possibility!

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