
Baby temp? please help?

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my girl is 8 and a half months old and she has a rectal temp of 100.2 and is teething is that normal to be that high?




  1. Yes that temp. is normal. A temp. isn't considered a fever until it reaches 100.4 - plus on that note - everyone's temp. increases slightly at night. I wouldn't worry about it.

  2. It is totally normal for a baby to run a slight fever while teething.  Give her some motrin and she will feel much better.  If the temp reaches 103 or more, I would then call the doctor, but what you are talking about is nothing to be concerned about.

  3. that's normal for teething. You don't need to worry until 102

  4. That's just a low-grade fever, and is totally normal during teething.  As long as it's below 101 then you don't need to do anything for it (like Tylenol/ Ibuprofen), but you can if you think it'll help her gums stop hurting so much.  I always give my daughter homeopathic teething drops and they really help her out.

    Edit:  "Nurse" JC is incorrect about night-time temperatures.  Everyone's temperature DROPS while they're sleeping, not raises.  You want to take her temp after she's been up for at least 30 mins and has her blood flowing good, otherwise you may get an inaccurate low reading.

    (This is what my pediatrician told me when my daughter had a low temp that I took right after she woke).

  5. it is very normal. babies temps run higher usually anyway. keep an eye on it and give her some ibuprofen if she seems to be in pain.  a doc will tell you not to worry until its 104 (i know, rediculous. this drives me crazy!) but i wouldnt panic just yet

  6. That sounds about right to me.

    Just keep an eye on it.

  7. yea, thats about right.  my babies never got over 100.6 when teething. if it gets too high, give a warm bath, and tylonol and it should bring it down.  

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