
Baby very unsettled ?

by  |  earlier

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he has been for a wile he is 3 months and on the 98th line for weight and length (17 lbs). He feeds every 3hrs in the day taking 7oz and cries for more but sicks it up i just don't know what i'm doing wrong or whats wrong with him help




  1. could be reflux, or maybe sucking relex may he needs a pacifer, try feeding him less but more times, hes throwing it up because its to much, you can try a doctor and see what they suggest..good luck

  2. try feeding him smaller feeding closer together feed him 4onces then maybe 2 hours later feed him 4ounces again  

  3. Hi my first baby was just like this, i think if hes already had 7 oz he may have wind and may not be seeking more feed. have you been using anything for the wind e.g i found infacol great. He could also be getting ready for something more solid maybe a little baby rice could be a consideration but ask advice from your health visiter first because i think its not advised to give this until 4 months.

    But dont worry to much it soon passes

    take care

  4. If he's being sick it sounds like he's getting enough.  It could be that it's the suckling that he's after rather than the milk.  DS generally cried after a bottle and I used my little finger when he was tiny and now he has a dummy to settle to sleep (sue me) or settle him after a feed if he is crying.  He spits it out as soon as he's sucked as much as he wants to.

    worked for us

  5. are you sure your burping him enough?try getting another burp out of him.also you can call any nursery and they will help you with your questions,try where you had the baby.GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. What is his sleep like?  Sometimes it's not the feed that is the problem but the routine of sleep.  He'll need about 3 hours during the day (2 of which around lunch time)

  7. Talk to your health visitor or doctor. He may need hungry baby milk.

    He could also be suffering from baby indigestion if he's bringing up milk after a feed. Maybe you need to start weaning him.

    Seek professional advice from someone who knows your baby.
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