
Baby weight... I need to know

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How long does it take to lose and whats the best way?




  1. Everyone is different, I still have 10 pounds to go and my baby is 4.5 months.  I am also breast feeding.  I have read that while breast feeding your body actually holds on to some weight as fat stores to ensure you can always feed your baby.  That may be true as these last 10 pounds have been lingering over a month!  

    I recommend wearing your baby in a sling and taking long walks.

  2. You don't have to nurse to lose weight first of all.I didn't and lost it before I left the hospital..just eat right, walk and drink lots of water....

  3. best ways to get rid of post partum baby weight:

    - NURSING!!

    - carry your child around as much as possible, and play alot.

    - do alot of stretches, walk as much as you can as soon as you can.

    - crunches, pushups, and squats.

    with all this, I lost 60lbs in 8mths.

  4. It depends on your body.  Some people will lose the weight easily, some not so much.  Your metabolism may change after pregnancy, making it either harder or easier to lose weight.  Most people find that breastfeeding helps them lose weight, but some find that it causes their body to hold onto the fat instead.  

    As for the 2nd part of your question, the best way to lose weight is always to eat small, healthy meals, with small, healthy snacks throughout the day, and to exercise.  It's important to do aerobic activity AND toning activities, because the toning will boost your metabolism while the aerobic activity will burn more calories.

  5. My baby is 3 months old now and it is coming off, I'm about 8-10 more now than I was before I found out I was pregnant. I weigh about 130 right now and my goal is 120. It's been pretty easy so far, a few weeks after she was born I weighed 140, I lost the 10 pounds by walking and going the the YMCA to work out a couple of times a week for about an hour. My sister had her baby 2.5 months ago and she is losing weight faster than me because she is breastfeeding and going to Curves. But I also have a friend who is exclusively breastfeeding and hasn't lost any of the weight, probably because she isn't exercising. The best thing to do is not focus on the weight. You just had a baby and everyone knows that. Your body will look totally different at first. I was horrified when my 1st was born but my body went back to normal within 6 months after having her and I'm expecting the same with my 2nd. It comes off gradually so don't beat yourself up over the weight. It will come off if you take care of yourself. Good luck :)  

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