
Baby will not stay latched on?

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My son is 7 days old and since his birth he will latch onto my breast just fine then let go and cry and get very frustrated. I have to keep re-latching him and he stays on for a few seconds then lets go again. This goes on for about 5-10minutes until he finally stays on. I have had a lactation consultant come to my home but she just said that he gets mad easily and I had a lady do cranial sacral therapy done but that did not change anything. He is gaining weight so I know he is getting milk and he latches on correctly but my nipples are sore from the "latch on latch off" breastfeeding method he seems to be doing and I'm wondering if anyone has ever had this problem or has any ideas. Oh and I have tried a few different feeding positions and no change.




  1. You may have slow let down or low supply. Try to go 3-4 hours between feedings. If you are not at all engorged before feeding try mothers milk tea or herbal supplement to increase your supply. If you have a pump, you could pump a minute to start the letdown for him. If not, try a warm compress and squeeze your nipple to express milk to get the same thing. When he gets older and stronger he will become more efficient at getting the letdown and he won't get so frustrated.

  2. hmmm... Tape his head to your boobies... Yeah... That'll work f sure :)

  3. have you considered just bottle feeding since you're having a few issues with breast feeding?

    Well since you want to try to continue breastfeeding, have you tried the breast pump?  I'm in the military and prego females have to go to this pregnancy class every week and one week we had a class on breast feeding and bottle feeding and one thing that they said about having problems with breastfeeding is that the breast pump helps out a lot too and also switching breast at every feeding.

    i'm sticking to bottle feeding when my lil one is born.  I've watched a lot of breast feeding mothers in the military have a hard time because of our working schedule.

  4. oh yeah those were the days... babies should have what they need to eat after 10 min of solid feeding... Are you feeling a "pressure" in y our breast.. This is called the "let down" process.. It may not be coming quickly enough for him... before a feeding massage your b*****s in circular motion towards the nipple this will help some of the milk to progress down the nipples.. Your Baby is not ANGRY hes hungry he may latch on correctly but i dont think the milk is coming fast enough (i had the same problem with my son) I really hope this works!

  5. Contrary to popular opinion, breast feeding is not instinctive. Given time your baby will stay latched on. I successfully breast fed all three of my babies and it can be tricky the first time round. Is there a breast feeding mothers association in your area? It helps for new mothers to be around others that are breast feeding. Of course it is best for your baby and for you as well. It is what nature intended, completely sterile and free. No need to mix up formula or heat bottles in the middle of the night. Don't get all stressed out about it though. Try to relax and over time, your baby will get stronger and the problem will cease to exist.

  6. Well done for your understanding of the importance of persisting with breast feeding. It can be hard, but so rewarding and awesome for baby. Can you try to feed baby before they are desperate, so might get a bit less frustrated.

    Can your partner, (or you) help by massaging breast to help milk flow. We did this and it really helped, then one day it just clicked and baby seemed to fuss less and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  7. i was set on breastfeeding and my baby did the same thing...but, he wasn't getting enough milk, like yours...i finally had to supplement with formula, and pump because he would not stay his two week appointment, the doctor recognized that he was tongue-tied (a real condition, as funny as it sounds) and that's why he was having problems with my's where his tongue is connected underneath all the way to the tip and he can't really lift it up or stick it out...i'm a little annoyed that the hospital didn't recognize this and it took two weeks before we even had a clue, but now he is a healthy little 4 week old who LOVES to eat...but, it has to be out of a bottle...

    maybe look into that, or other reasons why he is having problems...i also heard they have nipple shields that help babys latch on and get milk out faster...

    congratulations and good luck, mama! : )

  8. I got really sore as my daughter did the same for a few weeks after birth...My milk didnt start to flow until 5 mins of suckling and until then she would get frustrated with me!

    I would suggest that you massage your breast for 5-10 mins before his feed...or even express with your fingers until you start to flow and then quickly shove him on the breast while your flowing (if that makes sense).....

    I did the massaging and it helped alot! It wore off after about 3weeks though and i dont worry about it....neither should you especially if he's gaining weight.

    Good on you hon for being persistant..most people would have given up for the easy option by now....


    Hope that helped x

  9. I agree your let down may be slow, and since he's hungry he gets more easily frustrated by it!  :)  Your supply is VERY new and fragile, so don't use any bottles or formula, ok?  This will work out if you nurse often and don't stress.  Your body was designed for this.

    Try feeding him before he cries for it or seems ravenous.  Hopefully he won't be as easily upset by your letdown taking a bit longer.  You can also try to pump or hand express a little before each feeding session, to have milk ready and waiting when he latches.

    I know it can be rough, honey!!  :)  Keep up the good work!  Before you know it your baby will be nursing a year and any struggles now will be a distant memory!

    And pay no attention to those who recommend quitting breastfeeding!  That sort of discouragement is so messed up!!  You're trying to give your baby what is normal and healthful, and we all need to try and be a support!  

    Feel free to email me anytime, okay?

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