
Baby with a bit....??? Help.....?

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Ok so my Daughter she 13months. tonight she decided to make me a picture on the side of the refrigerator with Content in her Diaper, and though the biggest fit when i cleaned it up? why is she doing this? this is actually her 3rd time she did this.... and really thinks the picture is something.. i don't know? the first time i laughed of course because i was not sure what it was... then i figured out that it was Poopie.. and then i wasn't so happy. i just dont know what too do to make her not do this again?

(i can't wait to tell her this when she's older!)

:-) HELP ME!




  1. ha.. yeah my first daughter did that! ha. horrid i tell ya.

    like the other girl said put her in a onesie

    (not unless she takes it off)

    change her not unless if you just went?

    umm maybe you can put a gate up or something?

    I told Alexia that she did that and she didnt believe me.. ha..

    Good luck ..

    oh also tell her that you will give her candys if she doesnt do that? and give her like a piece of candy? I dont know

    ha.. Goood luck.

  2. Oh lovely, lucky mummy haha

    If she is getting upset to see you cleaning up her 'artwork' maybe give her some real art to do... let her play with playdough, use finger paints, or you can make a sort of slime/ goop type thing out of cornflour and water with a little food dye its pretty cool- then you can encourage her to play with that and praise the real artwork- it can be a little messy but its cleaner than playing with p**p.  Maybe she just like the texture of her p**p lol if so that should help you out.

  3. Well put her in something so she can't get to the diaper. Like a onesie that snaps. Also changing her promptly when she poopies could stop that all together. and that's not meant in a rude way.

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