
Baby with wings dream?

by Guest21189  |  earlier

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so i was dreaming that my car was not working and i was walking home

(in the dream the car was having the same problem im actually having with my car)

i drew a map of what i remember

when i was walking i passed a house/store/building(i cant remember what it was) and a men told me about a baby that appears under a tree so i walked over to the tree and there was the baby laying on a crib just laying there he had white hair was really pale, his eyes were grey and was only wearing a diaper

i picked him up and noticed he had white wings i took him with me and i ended up in a old house it was white and kinda dusty from the ouside (i just realized that i looked alot like the house im living in right now when we first got it)

so when i got there(to the house) i was by the gate and was looking around thinking how i got there all of the sudden a looked froward and there was a man and a women touching the baby but they didn't noticed or mention that the baby had wings and when i looked down at the baby his hair had turned black his eyes brown and his skin color had gotten more brownish like a light brown but still had white wings

and thats when i waked up

so thats what i can remember




  1. The baby might represent your own Child. Its turning brownish and hair turning black might mean he is going through change.

    Now this also might mean that you are looking at yourself when you were a younger kid and the baby changing is trying to tell you how much you have changed since then.

    In my personal opinion i say you are lucking having such dreams

    Hope this helps

  2. Usually babies represent something new that is happening or will happen in your life.  Something about it will change, but it still has the

    ability to "take off"!
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