
Babys health insurance?

by  |  earlier

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i just had my son on july 4 and i want to put my son on my insurance plan at work. i was told i only have 30 days from his date of birth to put him on my plan. how am i supposed to do that if i did not recieve his birth certificate or ss card. that could take up to 2 or 3 months to recieve. i dont know what to do and if its not here by august 3 he will not be covered by any type of insurance.




  1. make use of the SE like google or yahoo to get some ideas first if you want to get the massive information,however if you do not want to spend so much time,here is a direct and good resource for your questions.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  2. solution for your question

  3. Yes, don't wait as that's not something you want to fool around with.  Ask the company what they need and make sure you write down the names of the people you talked to.  Ask your HR department AND the insurance company and make sure the info you receive doesn't conflict.

  4. Ask your human resources department for the paperwork, and fill out what you can. Missing or pending information can catch up later.


  5. You need to at least complete the application/paperwork with your employer.  Most likely, they will accept the hospital's certification of birth/application for birth certificate.  (If not, they'll allow you a reasonable time frame to turn in the certificate after it is received.  Obviously they are aware that no state can turn around a birth certificate in less than a month!)

    But whatever you do, DO NOT miss that deadline, at least turning in as much of the info as you can.  There are no extensions (its not your employers rule - its an IRS mandate), and you certainly don't want your new baby to go without coverage!

    P.S.  Congratulations.  :)

  6. Usually, the insuance will only need proof that the baby was born. The hospital can provide this for you. As for the SS#-just show the application as proof and when you get the SS#, send this info to the insurance company.

    If you have further questions, contact the insurance company or your HR dept for help. Don't miss that 30 day deadline.

  7. Sign up the baby, and provide that info when you receive it.  The insurance company can verify the birth of the baby when they get your hospital bills.

  8. You do only have 30 days to add the child to the plan - they know you don't have all the documentation yet, but in order for them to consider paying claims, you need to fill out the enrollment paperwork ASAP.

    Call your HR person TODAY and get the ball rolling. Otherwise, you're going to get screwed and end up paying out a fortune in medical bills - which you're going to be on the hook for.

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