
Babys weight gain not quick enough

by  |  earlier

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My little boy is nearly 6 weeks old and is currently breastfeeding every 3-4 hours. He was born at 6lb 9 and a half, went down to 6lb 5oz and now weighs 7lb 4oz after putting on 4oz in a week.

He was born at 38wks and was in intensive care for 2weeks and didn't start feeding for a week and then it was only tube feeds.

The health visitor is concerned about his weight gain based on a normal baby at 6 weeks, but should he not be classed as 4weeks as a corrected age and take into account his first week not feeding?

Is his weight gain anything to worry about?




  1. The weight gain is definitely below average (even if  you start with 6.5lbs as the starting weight) which is why the health visitor is concerned.  But since you explained the special circumstance in your case, especially the gain of 4oz in a week (which is decent), I wouldn't be too concerned. And he is six weeks (not 4 weeks despite being 38 weeks at birth).

    Our son was also born at 38 weeks, weight 7pounds, 1oz.  At 6 weeks, he was almost 10lbs.  He was feeding every 2-3 hrs (not 3-4 hrs) at that time.  Babies at that age should be feeding 10 times a day according to our doctor as well as lactation consultant.

  2. I think your health visitor is worrying you for no good reaon. So long as he is gaining weight there is nothing to worry about. Babies grow at different rates and some gain slowly and some gain nothing for weeks then all at once. Breast fed babies tend to gain weight a little slower then formula babies but dont go giving up the breast for the sake of a tiny bit of extra gain. And yes she shouldve taken his early arrival and week of poor feeding into account.

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