
Babysitter questions?

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So i am meeting a potential baby sitter today any suggestions on questions that should be asked and things i should look for?




  1. Ask her how she would handle certain situations that will come up.  Its hard to give an example here not knowing the ages,s*x or how many children you have.  Just use a typical situation in your home, like what would you do if my child hit his sibling.  What would you do if my child refused to eat.  You get the point.  

    This will be a great way to see if they have a clue in how to deal with your children in their environment - and as you would like things to be handled.  

    You might also ask, what they might do with your children to keep them occupied.  Beware of long pauses...  Ask them why they think that kids like them.  Are they funny, active, artistic...  Ask them why they like children, and really listen to their response - some people who like kids only like a kids with a certain personality.  

    Make sure you observe their interactions with your children during the interview.  Are they comfortable sitting on the floor?  If you have a baby/toddler.  After some interacting...ask them why they feel your children are special.  See if they really picked up on any of the wonderful things you see all the time.    

    And, references are a must!

  2. punctuality. responsibility. have her interact and meet the kids while you are there. You can see if they like eachother.

    Get references.

  3. Age, experience, interest, hobbies, if she like kids

  4. Here is some helpful sites to look over and get ideas,

    this one looks really good.

    LOL all i did was type in babysitter interview. Ask to also meet parents and for references. someone they sat for before try to get references other then friends and family GL

  5. I would check to make sure he/she is CPR/first aid certified  Ask if they have references they can give you.  What experience they have?  What do they plan on doing with the children (activities, games, etc)?  You don't want them just plopping down on your couch eating your food.  Just evaluate their overall appearance, attitude, personality, etc.  Go with your gut instincts on some of it.

  6. -age


    -has she got kids?

    -pets in her house?

    generally just go with ur guts !
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