

by Guest62499  |  earlier

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How do you feel about the whole babysitting thing? Do you think its fair to the kids or what? Tell me your opinion and defend your answer.




  1. If you know the person I think it is okay for your child. I think children learn more if there are around different people. Some parents have no choice but to leave there children because they have to make a living. Others like myself feel like my kids benefit from daycare because it teaches them how to socialize with other kids and prepares them for school.

  2. You need to give more information or pose the question differently.

    My children have only ever been minded by my parents/brother. I have had no need to explore other options.

    Fair to the kids?? Not sure what you mean. My kids love spending time grandparents or uncle because they get to different things. They go most places with us but sometimes it is just not appropriate.

    Hope that helps.

  3. i have to diff views.

    my first view is if i was the parent. if i was the parent i wouldnt want anyone i didnt know, day care or even a family friend watching my child. bc ive been sexually abused many times in my childhood and i dont ever want that happen to my child.

    but then again my other view is that i want to babysit kids bc i love them. im actually trying to start a business up. i know thats weird. but i would definately understand if someone doesnt want a babysitter watching their child.

    and fair to the kids? sure, why not? theyre not going to remember which day care they were at or what they did. i barely remember pre-k. unless they were older than 5 then they could remember easier, but you mean as spending time with their own parents? is that what you mean? if it was like afterschool and for a couple of hours. its better than leaving them at home alone. but if it was like the parents are too busy for their kids like the movie uptown girls. then no i dont think that is fair.

    i hope i understood your question.
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