
Babysittig a kid who is 3 y/o?

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the kid never sits still even when eating never makes eye contact and chews up toys and puzzle pieces what can i do i try reading doing puzzles and such keep his interest or at least still but nothing hold the kids interest but maybe 1-2 minutes top




  1. When baby sitting this kid try giving them candy, food, or random little toys if they are good and listen to you. If they aren't good then take one toy away. So every time they listen, or behave well give them something showing if they do good things they get something, and if they are bad, take away the toy showing if they do bad things then they get things taken away.

  2. Didn't you just ask this question?

  3. Take him to a park.  You won't get a 3 yr old to sit still.  Do physical things, like run around the playground, backyard, and games that involve movement, and well, running around.

  4. Try taking him outside, let it kick a ball around, or race around the house with him. My 4 y/o can get that way, they are just a big ball of energy sometimes! If you can't take him inside, do jumping jacks, somersaults, anything active you can think of that won't tear down the house. Try running in place, playing hide and seek. To get his attention, just start running and say Hey I bet you can't get me! That should get his attention! Good luck! If you need more help, msg me at keiths_mommy_1, I am on yahoo IM

  5. well if their is a computer their go to and let him sit on play and have fun.


    sit down and tell him stories not read tell him stories about things he likes(:

    thats what i do to my cuzin

    and she sits and listens to me.

    hope i help

    vote mee pleassseee

  6. My son who will be three soon can sit and focus on playing a game or with toys for many many minutes... but my older son who is now 7 would have been like the child you described.  Not likely to focus on an activity for long and much more likely to destroy a toy than play with it.  

    Try interactive learning games... like take one step for every letter you can say or rhyming word.  Be willing to look silly and do things right along side the child... like pretend to be games.  

    Try crafts... play-doh, finger painting, ripping paper and then guessing what the pieces look like.  

    Read to the kid, start with really short stories.  Make up stories that the child can add to or interact with himself.

    Keep it hands-on, remember to do the parent you are babysitting for a favor and clean up after messy games or crafts.  Try to establish a pattern for what you do when you are with him/her.  Do the same-type things each day/time and watch for the kid's ability to focus on it longer or more attentively as time goes by.

    If you are seeing a concern, talk to the parent's about it.  Ask them what they do to keep the child's focus, or if there is a technique that they are working on.

    Trust me (mom of 3) if my sitter was willing to let me know what is going on with the kids and ask what they can do to make behavior and attention-spans better, I would LOVE IT!  And I might be thinking about how much I pay them...!

  7. He may have attention deficit disorder(ADD). Please be patient with him/her.  

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