

by Guest21596  |  earlier

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I babysit a child who has autism... he throws tantrums he is 11 years old but has a mind set of maybe a 7 or 8 year old. i know its not his fault.... does anyone know how to deal the tantrums with a child that doesnt understand when he is really doing.




  1. cuddle him then watch a funny film or something that he likes(if he likes cars let him watch fast and furious) etc

  2. hmm

    a movie maybe?

    or do something together

    like a meal

  3. Maybe you could read to him in his book level, or turn on a show that he likes, or maybe even some music you know he likes. Familiarity is usually comforting. I hope I helped.

    Best of Luck!


  4. umm you could calm him down by giving him icecream

  5. You should talk with his mother and find out what she does.  You want to keep things as consistent as you can with kids.  So when you ask her don't be afraid to ask her all kinds of questions.  She won't mind and will most likely be glad that you are asking her what you should do, considering that she will want the best and will want consistence with her child.  Just ask if you can come over a few mins early next time you watch him.  Hope that this helps.

  6. You could bring a treat or something that he will enjoy and when he throws tantrums tell him that if he calms down he will get a special treat.  Or you could try asking him whats wrong and try to fix it and if that doesn't help just give him time alone so he has time to cool down hope this helps best of luck to you :)

  7. you should ask his parents how they would like you to handle the situation. A child with autism needs to have consistancy. Let them guide you!
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