
Babysitting 3 little boys this summer? help with lunch ideas?

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i am babysitting them all summer. there ages range from 2-11. i need different fun ideas so it not always the same thing. also any ideas to include them in "helping" with lunch would be great




  1. In my preschool class we made mini pizzas, and the kids loved them.  We passed out english muffins with pizza sauce, and the kids put on the cheese, pepperroni, veggies, etc.  When I bring my cousins for a picnic I like to use cookie cutters and cut out sandwiches into different shapes.

  2. -grilled cheese sandwiches - you can make the, then give them cookie cutters to make shapes out of the bread (it'll be fun for them and they won't have to eat the crust)

    -animal crackers, fruit, and cheese pieces (yummy and fast)

    -soup (I guess they can help stir??  You can put in goldfish crackers)

    Hope that helps some :)

  3. pb&j

    Mac N' Cheese





    grilled Cheese


    Meat sandwch


    Hot dogs

    Ham Burgers

    Chicken nuggets

    Tv lunch


    Kid Cuisene


    Hot pocket


    Chicken fingers

    animal crackers

    Those are some of the things

    after a while u will see how much they enjoy it and the stuff they like is what you can make more often.

    - maybe ask them what shape they want there sandwiches to be:)

    ----GOOD LUK

  4. Bologna  bowls=put a slice of bologna in a hot frying pan, it will curl up into a bowl shape then you can fill them with pork and beans (different twist for beans and franks) just right portion for little ones

    Fruit kabobs=a few different kinds of fruit (apple chunks, grapes, banana slices, melon, citrus) use uncooked spaghetti noodles as skewers but be careful around little ones

  5. pb and j!!

    mac and cheese


    just anything

  6. The trick with kids is make it exciting and make it look good they'll eat pratically anything!!

    Make sandwhiches and cut them into shapes.

    Cut up fruit & make them into faces on plates.

    Make songs up while your feeding them or there eating it.

    Basically have fun with them & dont feel like its a struggle.


  7. I'd agree with those before me. Simple is good, especially when you came make interesting shapes out of easy things like sandwhiches. They may also like to participate in making things like cookies or fruit salad. If you're looking for simple yet healthy meals, try ideas from or

    As a fun cookie idea, think about making mini cookie hamburgers. You can make the buns out of a browned sugar cookie dough and by sprinkling sesame seeds on half of them for the top bun. You can then make a very slightly bigger chocolate cookie, and attach it to the bottom bun with icing. Pipe green icing on top of that for lettuce, red for ketchup and yellow for mustard. Then, gently press the cookie with the sesame seeds on top.

    Hope that helps!

  8. peanut buttter and jelly sandwiches with bananas

    meatball subs with cheese

    Grilled cheese

    Hot Dogs

    Ham and cheese

    Chicken nuggets

    pizza (flat bread with tomatoe sauce in oven 350 degrees) add your own toppings


  9. Crackers n' cheese

    Pb n J

    Kraft Dinner

    Hot dogs cut to look like spiders

    Pizza pockets

    Chicken Fingers

    Chef Boyardee


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