
Babysitting HELP!!!!!!!?

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Hi my name is Darian and i am 11 and i am babysitting 2 2year olds and a newborn what am i sopost to do????




  1. If you are asking what to do, chances are you do not already know this.

    Do not shake a newborn.  If you do already know this, that's excellent.  I am only telling you this because some people just don't know.

    Newborns, really only need to be fed, burped, changed, and played with briefly.  Usually they sleep most of the day anyway.  

    However, if you have a fussy newborn, they may need to be rocked, or held.  If fussiness is the case, they may have gas, something bothering them, or just plain aren't feeling good.

    Being an 11 year old, it will be harder to determine what is wrong.  (it's hard being an adult and trying to determine these things)

    As for the 2 year olds.

    They need breakfast, lunch and dinner.  (depending on how long you are there)  Try PB&J  (if you know there are no peanut allergies)  If there are or you don't know, try a grilled cheese, yogurt, milk, juice, fruits, maceroni and cheese, pasta of any kind...spagetti, ravoli, you get it.

    They also need a CLOSE eye, 2 year olds like to get into trouble!  Watch them with anything that may hurt them especially.

    Snacks are also good for 2 year olds, crackers and fruits and such.  My 2yo daughter's favorite snack is just cheese, even singles just folded over.

    If they're allowed to watch tv, turn on some dora or diego.

    They too need naps, usually about 1-3 hours midday.

    Of course they need diaper changes as well.

    I tried to think of everything my daughter does throughout the day.

    We play blocks, color, paint (although that's always messy), dance, sing, read books, play play-dough (but most 2year olds cannot grasp the concept of play-dough yet)

    She loves bubbles, and swimming, but swimming may not be the best thing with 2 2yo's and a newborn.

    If I left anything out I'm sorry, but hopefully this will help.

  2. If you are babysitting right now, is there someone to call that is older and more experienced to help you? Did you tell them that you had no idea whatdo with 2 2 year olds and an infant?? You need help with  them.  It is hard work for an adult to care for three children of those ages, and you are just a kid too...... Good luck!

  3. I don't think you should be taking responsibility for all those children. Tell their mom to knock some sense into her head.

  4. I think maybe you are too young to mind them all, if you are nervouns you should maybe say you dont want to mind them!

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