
Babysitting Question? 10 points best answer?

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Im babysitting my cousin right now, hes 9. and since about 8 o'clock this morning we have been watching TV. its about 11 now. Im going to feed him lunch in about 30 minutes. After lunch i was thinking we could do something, like play with bubbles, go to the park. Do a little craft. Anyone got other ideas?




  1. I'd go with board games, playing outside, playing video games.

    When I was 9, I was baking you think he'd enjoy cooking something?

  2. taking the child to a game or the movies.

  3. If you have a stopwatch, time him doing different exercises outside - then have him repeat to see if he betters his time (how long to run around the house, skip backwards up the drive, how many pushups in a minute, how many situps in a minute).  If he has a ball, play kick ball with him - he'll know all the rules for using "ghost" players.  

    If you go to the park, think of things to find beforehand to make a treasure hunt - a feather, a coin, an interesting rock and so on.  Have fun!

    Inside, play a game like Monopoly or Scrabble.  Or, go online and find age appropriate brain teasers.

  4. He might be too old to play with bubbles very long.  I would go to the park and get some exercise.  Also you could make a card or poster or something for his parents.  Also you can use unusual things like cereal, pipe cleaners, feathers and such to glue on the cards/posters.  Board games are fun.  Try side walk chalk also.  Anything besides watching tv all day.

  5. Look up ideas for games on the Internet like freeze tag etc. Those are fun in your backyard or at the park. Drawing usually keeps the 6 year old i babysit pretty entertained for at least an hour. Or even just ask him what he wants to do. What are his favorite things to play. Then just go off that. Usually you can adjust them from things like climbing on the fridge to climbing a tree at the park. See gets the highest!

    Good luck!

  6. Well If I was nine...and a boy....I would want to play something way cool like ninja warriors or pirates....something that takes alot of energy and imagination. Ask him what he wants to do.

    Outside. make sure its somewhere he wont get into trouble, but can burn off me you'll be glad for it.

  7. play basketball or soccer

    OR do a nature walk, collect some stuff in a bag and then do a nature collage as a craft.

  8. He sonunds a little old to be playing with bubbles. Are you aloud to leave the house? Maybe go for a walk or go to a park not too far away. Some simple games can also entertain him:

    ~ Basketball: Crumple pieces of newspaper to make paperballs. Set out a trash can. You each take turns trying to throw them in the can.

    ~ Letter Writing: Ask him to ' send ' you letters, describing what he wants to do the next time you babysit. Let him seal up the letters in envelopes and drop them into a ' mailbox ' ( your bag ) and read them when you get home.

    ~ Card games

    ~ Magazine scavenger hunt: Give him an old magazine or catalog, along with a list of things to find, cut out, and glue onto paper.

    ~ Soft volleyball: Run a peive of string accross the floor, and you and him stand on either side. Blow up a balloon and toss it back and forth without it touching the ground.

  9. THe nature walk sound fun. I would stop watching tv though. Maybe you could have him make something for his mom or dad. Great way to suck up to them too! :-) !!! Make sure you do it with them, if you just leave him, he may get bored pretty easily.

  10. have a hunt for objects

    make a list of things you see on a walk

    have him cross off the objects that you wrote down as he finds them.

    have him draw a picture of what is his favorite thing to do today was.

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