
Babysitting Rate?

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I need help setting a babysitting rate. I've only really babysat my cousins so I'm not sure what people charge but here is the situation. I was a preschool teacher at a daycare and when I left I gave some parents my number, only the ones with kids that I bonded and interacted well with.

Recently I've been getting calls to watch some kids, most will be from 1-5 years old. I want to establish a going rate. Something like $8 an hour for 1 kid and then $10 an hour for 2 type. I have all of the qualifications that it takes to work at a daycare and be a lead teacher. CPR, Blood-Born, STARS and lots of experience with kids. I am also 21 and go to school at the University of Washington.

Washington has a high min wage so please keep this in mind, our min wage us $8.10 an hour with the average preschool teacher making $10-15 an hour




  1. min wage doesnt count when babysitting Sorry!=[

    anyway i babysit a lot and have a lot of qualification yes i am younger than u i am 15 but i babysit kids as young as 4 weeks old for children under a year old i charge about 7 and hour for. kids older than one i get about 5 for each per hour. If there are more then two i might make it four an hour because you want the parents to like the prices that way they will use you again

    i hope i helped

  2. minimum age doesn't apply to something like occasionally babysitting. charge 9 bucks and a dollar fifty more for two kids.

  3. Where I live you have to have a college degree in early childhood education to be a lead teacher.

    From the experience you seem to have I would charge at least $12.00 per hour no matter how many kids. This is if you are going to their home and if you will do any extra cleaning then you should get paid more. I live in the Northeast and the going rates here are $12.-$16. per hour. If someone isn't very experienced then they might get $10.00 per hour but I wouldn't take less than that.
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