
Babysitting a 2yr old girl? Help!?

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Hey. I'm on my friends account if your wondering, so i'm not a Mom2Be! Tomorrow I'm babysitting Adalyn a 2yr old little girl. I know her and have spent time with her, but i've always had back up from her older sisters or her parents. Tomorrow I have her by myself for 4 hours in the day time, I'm only 16 and wondering what to do to keep her entertained, and shes potty training so sheish is there anything I should know?? HELP!




  1. Terrible twos she is so just listen to her and feed her and make sure she has all her favorite things around her like tv radio  games stuff animals etc. just look at it to be fun and do the same things u did when u was around her family.

  2. when you get there and the parents leave, make sure she has a sippy cup of water and give her a healthy snack if she is hungry (if not leave it within her reach). ask her if she needs to go potty and make sure she knows that if she has to go she needs to tell you so you can help her.

    start with colouring, it's simple, not too messy and it's fun, when she gets bored with that you can play grocery store, one of you can be a teller and the other a shopper, set up her toys like in a shop and find something (like bottlecaps) to use as pretend money after this if it's sunny you could take her to the park or for a walk in the pram (carefully around roads and driveways and make sure the parents leave you a key) take a ball or something to play with and then come home for some stories...

    this is just an example of what you could do you can change it to your liking :-)

    Note: make sure she always has water nearby and keep reminding her about the toilet!

  3. take her to a park or out a walk i look after my wee cousin he 2yrs old and i normal take him out in the pram or out to the park or i just play with him with his toys or stuff like that

  4. First thing I have to say is when she is doing something do not think it is ok to walk away. Toddlers are sneaky little people. If she has make believe toys, toddlers love to play make believe. They love to play mommy/daddy or to pretend they are a certain job. And just go along with that. If they are a doctor, you be the patient.

    Also, they love the outdoors (and to explore). You can take her to her backyard or the park (if you ask first) and let her drag you all over. Push her on the swings, help her do the monkey bars, catch her on the bottom of the slide, etc.

    You can also do coloring (watch her closely while she colors) or blocks. She'll probably tell you what she wants to do next. Just don't let her get bored because that is when the whining and tantrums breakout.

  5. If Adalyn (pretty name) understands the purpose of the pot, then there shouldn't be any tantrums or other negative behaviour.  If she uses the potty, be sure and give praise, but if she dosen't, don't get overanxious it.

    Take Adalyn for a simple walk, shopping or on an expedition to the park.  You could take her to the children's section of the public library.  

    You should supervise her carefully as accidents are common.

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