
Babysitting activities for a five year old?

by Guest55867  |  earlier

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I'm babysitting for a five year old girl this summer, every Tuesday, Thursday and every other Friday from 8am - 3pm.

I need some help with ideas, because since I'm babysitting her so much, I don't want anything to get old, you know?

We will be at her house, and she's not a very active kid (does not like to run, ect) but she loves it outside.

Here are some ideas I had, can somebody add to them?

-Going to the park

-A little tv

-Barbies/other toys she has

-Sidewalk chalk

-Coloring (she absolutely LOVES to color!)

So if anybody can help me with this, that'll be appreciated, thanks! :D




  1. Water balloons fight, swimming, roller skating, scooters, jump rope, hopscotch, tea party with other little kids, cooking.

  2. I babysit for a five year old too. Heres what we always do

    -Have a dance concert

    -Play hide n go seek

    -Go for walks

    -Have a tea party or picnic(she loves this)

    -Watch movies


  3. try to find a small dog to take for a walk with her, bubble wands with extra jug of bubbles, learn some card games, if she colors, does she like magic markers? you could get those and a big notebook. hope this helps.

  4. Bring a bathing suit and run around in the sprinklers with her, or have a water balloon fight ( make sure you bring an appropriate bathing suit ).

    Bring some coloring books, have her right you letters describing what she wants to do the next time you babysit.

    Play hide and seek, watch a movie together ( G movies only ), go for a walk, or play ' soft volleyball ' - blow up a ballong and lay a peice of string across the floor and you

    stand on oposite sides, then pass the balloong back and forth without letting it touch the ground. have fun:)

  5. if she dosent like to run but she loves to go out side try to trick her into running like playing hide&seak or tag.

    Also if she lives close to the park you two can walk there.

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