
Babysitting activities?

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what are some good babysitting activities for two kids who are in elementary school the youngest is in 3rd and the oldest is in 5th




  1. Bake some fairy cakes with them and ice them after too!! Kids love it!!!

  2. Basketball: Crumple peices of garbage around the house ( that you know you can throw away ) to make ten balls for each kid. Set out a trash can. Each child tries to make as many baskets as possible.

    Letter Writing: Ask the kids to ' send ' you letters, describing what they want to do the next time you babysit. Let them seal the envelopes and drop them into a ' mailbox ' or ' mailbag ' you've set out. Read them when you get home.

    Card Games: Bring a deck of cards, and show kids an new game each time you babysit. In concentration, lay out all the cards facedown. Take turns flipping over two cards. If the numbers math, pick up the cards and take another turn. At the end, the one with the most cards wins.

    Magazine Scavenger Hunt: Give each child an old magazine or catalog, along with a list of things to find, cut out, and glue onto paper.

    Soft Volleyball: Run a peice of string accross, the floor, and have the kids stand on either side. Blow up a balloon. Toss it back and forth without letting it touch the ground.

    Junior babysitter: Kids love coming up with games for the litlte ones. Put them in charge of creating activites. Be sure the play with them!

  3. Make picture frames, cook together, make a book of the things they done while their parents are out, ask the kids what they want to do , go for a walk, play board games, go to the park, put the sprinkler on and play in the water

  4. scavenger hunt, capture the flag, hide and go seek, tag, make cookies...

  5. colouring competition or some competition then when u have to say the winner say there both as good and give them sweets or summat lol


  6. Watch some movies

    If they have a pet play with it.

    Read to them

    Have them read to you

    Bake some cookies

    PLay some bored games.

    Do a puzzle

    play video games.

    I hope this helped.


  7. Movies, board games, play competition, arts and crafts, sharades... any game really.

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