
Babysitting advice? Please help I am going crazy..?

by Guest59153  |  earlier

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I think I may have made a mistake by watching these kids. First of all the original agreement was that I would watch two of their kids a boy age 2 and a girl age 4 mnths. I had mt handsful with just those two and my two. I am only charging her $100 a week and that is very cheap for 2 kids and the hours. They work 5 days a week, I have the kids from 4 am to 4:45pm. She did not bring any food for the two yr old the first day so i had to feed him some stuff i had. The second day she did bring him some food. Well this morning she brought the two i usually watch and then another child she has. A boy age 4. So in total I have 5 kids in my house and two of them are babies. Again today she did not bring any food for them so I am stuck feeding them stuff I bought. And to top it off I have not received any pay for what I have watched them so far. She just started a new job and doesn't get payed for two weeks, so I dont get any money for 2 weeks either. I am too nice of a person and I told her I would do it because i know how it is to need a babysitter when you have no money. Now I am scared that she is going to think she can run over me. I mean, I have no problem watching her 4yr old but she couldve asked me instead of just dropping him off like she did. The 1st time I watched them she did not tell me how much formaula to feed the baby or anything...which i pretty much know because mine is the same age, but still...she did not give me any contact numbers, or a change of clothes. Her two boys do nothing but fight over things, and then her two year old screams and throws a fit. He even threw a toy at me because I told him to give the toy he took away from his brother back. These kids have not been bathed since I started watching them. The baby smells like spit up sooo bad. I am almost attempted to give them a bath myself. The baby's carseat doesnt buckle. It has no buckle on it. The buckles are broken off. If they get in a wreck the baby is going to fly outta that careseat because it doesnt hold her in. The baby is 4 mnths old and has NO teeth and she is feeding her 3rd food babyfood, and then she throws up all day after that, I know that when a baby is this young she should be on the 1st food babyfood. My daughter isnt even on babyfood yet, and mine and her daughter was born on the same day. She makes both kids use the same size diapers. So the diapers that I am putting on the 2 yr old is the same size as the ones for the baby. I asked her about this and she said that it saves her money if she just buys one package for both of them. So the baby has diapers on that are WWWAAAAAYYY to big.

I am about to go crazy these kids are driving me nuts, can anyone give me any advice please????




  1. ha ha i am way to nice to what you need to do is tell her that your sorry she doesn't have money but it is not fair that she is putting it all on you i mean your a human being to you need money to survive. Also tell her that she needs to give them food because you can not afford to keep feeding them and if she doesn't agree then stop watching her kids i had a same situation and it came to a point were she was using me so definitely tell her that and if she doesn't agree tell her to look for another babysitter

  2. It sounds like you need help watching the kids. Ask the mother if she can bring clothes and food for the kids. A 4 month old eating 3rd food, that's ridiculous they should just be starting on babyfood, maybe. The carseat problem thats a big No No to have a carseat without buckles. I would talk to someone about those problems and the kids not taking a bath since you've watched them. You need to talk to someone about it there must be something going on at home or somehting. The 2 year old should be potty trained by now and the diaper thing that is just crazy, I see that she is saving money but the baby can get diaper rash and all kinds of other things.  

  3. you can find someone to babysit for who won't treat you's not your problem she doesn't get paid for two weeks. she's already crossed the line. adding more kids is totally wrong and dangerous. you should terminate your agreement.

    **you should also consider calling child services...not bathing them is a sign of neglect (just a red flag, not for sure). They will investigate and help her get her act together if she's an unfit parent.

    ***sorry i keep adding but i didn't read the whole thing at first! okay, feeding an infant food for bigger babies is abusive and dangerous. secondly, if you did get in a car accident and the baby wasn't fastened properly, you would go to jail and be taken away from your kids. not to mention just slamming the breaks hard or having a simple fender bender could seriously injur her. being broke isn't an excuse for child me i should know.

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